Friday, December 18, 2015

I don't think we're in Queens anymore, Toto

From the Juniper Berry:

Have you felt lately like you were conked on the head and awakened inside a nightmare? Or maybe that your house had been picked up by a cyclone and touched down in the Land of Odd? That's kind of what Queens feels like these days. All the characters are here – the witch, the coward, the heartless, the one without a brain. You name the freak, we have it representing us.

Unfortunately, we voters can't click our heels together three times and be brought back to a better time. The Land of Odd is now our reality and our first chance at getting back over the rainbow won't come until Election Day, 2017. Until then, we'll continue our long slog down the yellow brick road with this unsavory cast of characters.

Having said all that, does anyone have a bucket of water?


Anonymous said...

This is what happens when people think" my vote doesn't count " . You fools,see what you caused, you lazy bastards!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post! Encouraging everyone to read the full form! Wilkinson should have a regular Op-Ed.

Anonymous said...

Wow - great read.

Anonymous said...

All the characters are here – the witch, the coward, the heartless, the one without a brain. You name the freak, we have it representing us.

Not to mention Stinky, who is brainless, hairless, heartless, and spineless.

(sarc) said...

They will all be re-elected by the useful idiots...

(Vladimir Lenin)

Anonymous said...

oh Crappy u must be rich and just dont wanna pay your fair share


Anonymous said...

Great article and cover, got the Juniper Berry magazine in the mail a few weeks ago. Christina Wilkinson and the Juniper Valley group do an amazing job. The cover is priceless, best magazine out there. A must read for everyone who lives in Queens.

Gary W said...

Queens voters=Munchkins

Anonymous said...

Borough of families my ass! What does she mean when more than half of the population of Queens is made up of single households. Doesn't Toledo, Ohio have families too? ABSURD!

Anonymous said...

also announced the creation of a $7.9million initiative that seeks to provideIMMIGRATION-RELATED info & legalsupport starting in the spring ?

Bayside Times"municipal id popup center coming " ?

Queens taxpayers will finance the WORLD'S REFUGEE'S & MIGRANTS ...FOREVER.

they will all be beholden to NYC DEMS. FOREVER and you will pay forever,while financially being broken.

Anonymous said...

Just returned home to California being in NY for 2 weeks,born and raised in Whitestone,moved out 12 years ago,so sad to see the last part of north east queens is gone,people have no one to blame but themselves for voting in the criminals who destroyed all of NY,or didn't vote at all,bottom line is NY will never be the same,welfare,drugs,taxs,homeless,trafic,over crowding,filth,graffiti,tickets,corruption,prostitutes and no love for the greatest nation in the world,and a political system that traps uneducated people with free housing and cash off the backs of the working middle class just to stay in power and all those creepy mosques,Stalin was right,America destroyed with out ever firing a shot.

Unknown said...

I call bulshit on last comment.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when people think" my vote doesn't count "

It doesn't count.

Powers to be give few choices. Diet or regular. Maybe I want orange juice.
That's not an option.
Now you see how is rigged from the get go?

Voting is an illusion of choice. As Carlin said we have no choice, we have owners and they own us.

Now add electronic voting to the mix and the outcomes are guaranteed.
Heck they didn't even count the votes and they know who the winner is.
Now how is that possible?

Anonymous said...

people have no one to blame but themselves, for voting in the criminals who destroyed all of NY
Don't forget to include people who abandoned Queens for greener pastures (let's say, Long Island, North Carolina, and yes, even California) when the going got tough in NY.

ron s said...

Perfect casting.

Anonymous said...

"Don't forget to include people who abandoned Queens for greener pastures (let's say, Long Island, North Carolina, and yes, even California) when the going got tough in NY."

As someone who chooses to stay in Queens - I have to ask, what's the reward for doing so? It's a horse and cart thing - if things look bad and I have an option of leaving - and I get out in time - why am I the bad guy? I have an obligation to keep voting against the rigged machine? Hasn't gotten me any where in the last 32 years since I've been old enough to vote.

Anonymous said...

Didn't want to leave Whitestone for California but the judge gave the X and her boyfriend the house my kids were raised in so what choice did I have?
Rent your basement apartment,I don't so,and by the way,she sold it to Chinese

Anonymous said...

As someone who chooses to stay in Queens - I have to ask, what's the reward for doing so? It's a horse and cart thing - if things look bad and I have an option of leaving - and I get out in time - why am I the bad guy? I have an obligation to keep voting against the rigged machine? Hasn't gotten me any where in the last 32 years since I've been old enough to vote.
----------------------------- ------------------ -------
I don't blame anyone for leaving nowadays. Let's face it, if Queens can be saved, it's going to take a miracle. But anyone who sold their homes to predator developers when Queens still resembled a liveable place, in my humble opinion, has lost the right to come onto social media and complain how "the old neighborhood ain't what it used to be".

Anonymous said...

Got the Juniper Berry magazine in a store on Woodhaven Blvd. It's an unbelievably professional quality publication. Sent in for a subscription, the online version doesn't do it justice. Everyone should get the magazine, makes me feel that someone out there gets it. Keep it coming Juniper Berry staff, I absolutely love it!

JQ LLC said...

I tried to access the online issue to no avail, they did a piece on the crappy bike lane on Queens Blvd that I like to see.

That is some stellar casting.

Although I would cast REBNY as the wizard, or collective wizard.

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