Saturday, November 21, 2015

There's no place like home

From the Daily News:

I was 10 years old when I crossed over the border into Arizona with my parents in 2005.

We moved to Jackson Heights. My parents, Roberta and Salvador Alarcon, left my younger brother with my grandparents in Veracruz.

In New York, my mother worked at a Laundromat and my dad got a job in construction. He built and demolished houses in Manhattan and Queens. His boss exploited him. My father worked for 12 to 14 hours a day for $80. He had no idea you could sue for lost wages. He was always afraid of being deported.

In 2011, the family was forced to move from a two-bedroom apartment to a one-bedroom. At one point, my father injured his ankle. He was afraid to go to a hospital. In 2012, my grandmother passed away from cancer. My parents decided to go back.

My parents now have a small store in the town. My father is now working on farming and my mother is taking care of the store.

They are happy. But obviously, it’s not the same. Over here, they had cell phones and money to go to restaurants once a month. Now, they don’t have the money and have to work harder to get those things.

I don't understand how they had money for cell phones and restaurants with mom working off the books at a laundromat and dad raking in $80/day. Sounds like Mexico was a better option. And in fact, more Mexicans are returning than arriving these days.


Anonymous said...

Illegals live a lot better than the working class in nyc! They get medicaid and welfare! Meanwhile, they don't pay a dime of taxes on anything that they make! They rent out apartments and live 2 families in a two bedroom apartment or 4 grown single men will live in a 2 bedroom apartment and they will split the rent while sending all their non taxed dollars back home to their families. Believe me, they make out MUCH better than us working class do! Us working class paying tax dollars are the dummies in this city!

Anonymous said...

I don't see how people can gather that they are getting medicaid and welfare. This story in particular said the father was hurt and did not go to the hospital to receive medical care in fear of being deported.

The reason why they could afford a cell phone, and go out to eat once a month is because they worked 6 or 7 days a week. While in Mexico they are still working endlessly, the wages are 1/3rd of what they were making up here. Most poor people can afford cell phones because they buy them used and have on the go type of plans. It is not as if they are buying brand new iphones from the Apple store with unlimited data and getting to eat out at 5 star restaurants every night.

Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo Hoo!

Cry me a river!

Do they mention food stamps, 'free healthcare' at the ED, other benefits?

Are we supposed to feel sorry because these ILLEGALS don't have a cell phone and can't go out to eat anymore?

Back in the 1930's and 40's you had to have someone vouch for you to emigrate and if you didn't make it YOU WENT HOME! There was no feeding off the public teat for largely unskilled and uneducated workers. That is who is coming. It isn't a wave of Mexican accountants and physicians.

Let their country's social service net take care of them.

How soon can we send their kid back to live with them? Why do we worry about breaking up families? They don't care at all! Remember the tens of thousands of kids sent here that Obama welcomed? They come and their families get let in to keep families together. What a scam.

Next is the Syrians. How many more will come after Obama lets in 10,000?

The story is nonsense. No one gets deported from a hospital. Especially not in a 'sanctuary city'. A number of years ago there was a big uproar when a hospital near the Mexican border changed its guard uniforms to look like INS. The idea was that the illegals would see them walking the property and not come in. That wasn't going to last in the country where liberals will give our country away to get more voters. (and yes, illegals can't vote, but if you believe that you believe Hillary Clinton is an honest person)

Now stories about Mexicans going home! How about the Mexican gang members and criminals going home? Not anytime soon. Any amount going home is going to be a drop in the bucket compared to the number coming in. They won't quote those statistics.

I wasn't a fan but I find myself starting to like Donald Trump!

Anonymous said...

Why did they leave their son? He looks like a gang banger! Doesn't speak English (see the 'told to' tag). How does he support himself? (just kidding, I know us taxpayers support him). Did he finish high school? Does he work?

Too bad this is a sanctuary city. I would pay to send him back to Mejico! Steerage class amigo!

Anonymous said... The Mexicans are self deporting. Great news but it doesn't say much for conditions here.

Anonymous said...

¡Qué lástima! Cuando este joven iba a reunirse con su familia ? Al parecer, sus padres saben lo que el trabajo duro es . Tan triste que no frotar apagado en él!

Anonymous said...

"Why did they leave their son? He looks like a gang banger! Doesn't speak English (see the 'told to' tag). How does he support himself? (just kidding, I know us taxpayers support him). Did he finish high school? Does he work?

Too bad this is a sanctuary city. I would pay to send him back to Mejico! Steerage class amigo!"

Exactly what about this kid looks like a "gang banger"? He looks like a strong wind would knock him over. It must be awful to be so terrified of a kid that looks like a tween pop star, "amigo".

Anonymous said...

Mexicans self deporting?

We don't know how many there are. We don't know where they are.

Yet we can count how many are leaving and that is more than are coming?

What a crock of sh*t!

This news story brought to you by your 'friends' in the Democrat party. Building a future America that is unrecognizable. Hable Ingles Amigo?

Anonymous said...

'¡Qué lástima! Cuando este joven iba a reunirse con su familia ? Al parecer, sus padres saben lo que el trabajo duro es . Tan triste que no frotar apagado en él!'

Courtesy of google translate:

What a shame! When this young man was going to join his family ? Apparently , his parents know what hard work is . So sad that not rub off on him!

LOL! (Reír en voz alta!)

(sarc) said...

Can you say open borders???

Anonymous said...

But more Ecuadorians, Columbians, and Guatamalans have more than offset the net drop in Mexican illegals entering the US.

Anonymous said...

Is this guy kidding? He thinks his father was taken advantage of and could have sued? Where does he get this nonsense?

1. If his employer was going to pay the going rate wages/union wages he would not hire an illegal.

2. If you are paid as an illegal and have no social security number, or worse a stolen one, you are not paying taxes on your income and breaking the law. If you sue the most that will happen is that your employer will get fined. That money will not go to you. You can't be breaking the law and get a court judgement against someone else breaking the law. You have to come into court with 'clean hands'.

This dumba$$ thinks he is a lawsuit away from being rich! If he came when he was 10 and is 20 now I would ask where he works, how does he support himself, and does he pay taxes? What public programs is he taking advantage of?

I also would pay my own money to send this parasite back!

Anonymous said...

Time and again, courts have sided with illegal aliens. They sue for prevailing wages (not even minimum wage) and win.

Anonymous said...

Simply not true. They have no reason to go home - look at the violence around the world in their home countries.

I firmly believe that this country has so much more in benefits than anything in their home countries. And the Dons of both political parties need them too.

This is propaganda. No one is leaving.

CQ said...

Ok,when you are UNDOCUMENTED you cannot get any type of assistance. I don't understand why people think this is true. There are immigrants(legal ones)who play the system. And lets make it clear, not only immigrants do this. They play the game by not getting married, have their family and receive assistance that way. Again, Undocumented cannot receive assistance! AND, Undocumented pay more in taxes in hopes that helps them out of becoming legal, than corporations pay taxes in this country. This country needs to wake up who to blame here.

Anonymous said...

Ok,when you are UNDOCUMENTED you cannot get any type of assistance.

That's why you steal someone else's identity, preferably a dead person or a child. This is a HUGE business.

Anonymous said...

The "Mexicans" we been seeing of late, really be Central Americans and Arabs

Anonymous said...

They do get welfare and Medicaid! They have american children so they get the money for them ! Look up requirements for the wic program too! Wic is women infant and children and then tell me that they don't get welfare!! Look up pcap prenatal care insurance.....tell me that they don't get that either!

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