Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Vallone to block Douglaston historic district extension

From the NY Times:

On Thursday, the Landmarks Preservation Commission will hold a hearing, the first of four, to clear a backlog of 95 items that have been on the agency’s to-do list for up to four decades. Among them is the Douglaston extension, which in addition to 17 homes includes a Tudor-style apartment building, a church and an elementary school, most of which date from the 1850s to the 1910s. A final determination will be made next year on whether to declare these properties landmarks.

While many in the existing Douglaston Historic District, as well as New Yorkers across the city, might view living in a landmark with pride, there are those who consider it onerous. Where some see history and beauty, they see bureaucracy, expense and limitations on what they can do with their properties.

Councilman Paul Vallone, a Democrat whose district includes Douglaston, has already said he will block the expansion of the historic district in light of residents’ opposition. The City Council has final say over land-use matters, and members almost always defer to the local representative. As a result, Ms. Carroll, the commission director, anticipates the agency might not expend resources approving something that will only be defeated.


Anonymous said...

Stinky is pro developers anti people and neighborhoods. Thumbs down.

Anonymous said...

Vallone must do what his REBNY overlords tell him to do. You Dem idiots in eastern Queens are getting exactly what you voted for. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

No surprise. He announced that he opposed it in December.

The Tribune article is incorrect but it didn't stop PV from issuing a statement.

Anonymous said...

He uses daddy's playbook that is still being used in Astoria (Steinway Mansion fiasco) and pictures of what the Vallones did to Astoria should be circulated in the Douglaston community.

Do not count on help from the outside - the citywide organizations need city council funding and there is an unwritten rule that if a councilman is against something they will not risk that persons's vote for their areas.

And places like the Landmarks Conservancy has Peg Breen, President, who used to work for Daddy Vallone.

The best way to handle this is for people that live in landmarked districts come into the community to take Vallone on, or better yet, have him or those who are against it go to communities that are landmarked to try their bullcrap in front of those that know better - and see them get hooted off the stage.

Anonymous said...

Good, landmarking goes against all that our forefathers fought for. property rights are more important to me than your silly landmarking of private homes. Thank you Paul for standing up to these people who believe they have ANY say over what happens to my home.

Anonymous said...

What right does the government have to landmark a home of a private citizen? None of these homes are 'historic' (ie famous person or event linked to them). If the owners don't want it it is their right to do with their home as they please. If they want it preserved, just preserve it. Why does the government have to be involved? The government doesn't have to be involved in every aspect of our lives!

Anonymous said...

You can tell which commenters plan to sell their houses for all cash and move to Florida.

Anonymous said...

Historic district: Areas of the City that possess architectural and historical significance and a distinct "sense of place."

If Douglaston doesn't qualify, I don't know what does. Why do people seek Douglaston out to live in? Because of what's mentioned above. Therefore, it should be preserved and not turned into shitboxes.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anon no. 7:

You can also see which commenters are REBNY plants and who really cares about their community.

Anonymous said...

If certain areas don't get marked historical we will all end up living in Astoria. I have no problem with Astoria but if I wanted to live there I would. My family went through a lot of hard work to be able to afford to live in beautiful Douglaston. Am I willing to give up my say in how to decorate the outside of my house for the sake of preserving the neighborhood I live in......HELL YEAH!

Anonymous said...

Talk to people that live in historic districts. Not a single district ever wanted to reverse the designation - except Astoria. There is a reason.


Anonymous said...

Landmarking goes against all that our forefathers fought for?
Hey, dumb, dumb...the United States Supreme Court has upheld NYC's landmarks law as being fully compliant with our United States Constitution. I believe THAT is what our forefathers upheld.
You strike me as an angry closet Communist. Are you sure that you are American? Did you serve in the military and fight in any of our wars?

Jerry Rotondi said...

Vallone is indeed a REBNY stooge....practically a thug...
judging from the way he's trying to ram an unwanted high school into Bayside over the wishes of the surrounding community.

The proof of who owns Vallone is who supported his election. Look it up online for yourselves...
developers, builders, the real estate industry.
Make sure that Vallone is not re-elected.
His loyalty is to his developer client list not his constituents.

He will ruin your neighborhood, then move on.
Witness what the Vallone dynasty has done to Astoria.

Political dynasties are, frankly, un-American.
If we wanted political royalty there would have been no damn reason for our American Revolution.
King George the 3rd would have done just fine for us.

We have too many political dynastic familes running Queens.
Weprin, Stavisky, etc. !
Vote them ALL out! Let's have some real democracy here.

Anonymous said...

I love the "Stinky" handle.
The remaining two stooges must be Pete Jr. and brother Perry.

Anonymous said...

Vallone kisses the real estate industry's ass because these property pimps contribute to his campaign.
If he makes more money from them rather than his constituents, who do you think he really cares about?
A lawyer always services his high paying clients better over his low paying ones, namely you!
How the f--k did this heavy handed bum get elected? LOL! By stupid voters.
His winning margin was slim. Dump this Chitrool next time around or your nabe will suffer for it!

Anonymous said...

Ever since Charlie "the judge" Vallone was appointed in the 1950s, la famiglia di Vallone has run roughshod over Astoria.
Do you want Don Paulo playing political mafioso in your district for another term?
He has already threatened the Bayside neighborhood at a CB11 meeting, that if they opposed his new high school plans for 32nd Ave. that they will regret it. Even Don Corleone was more subtle. This man is nothing less than a spoiled political mobster!
This entitled Don Chooch thinks his shit is ice cream!

Anonymous said...

The prices of homes in the Douglaston historic district have trippled over the years.
What idiot would not want to give up a little control to protect the value of , most likely, his biggest investment which is his home?
There are a lot of REBNY shills posting here, for sure!
I want my home landmarked. It is a guarantee that my property will not lose its value.
Every landmark district in NYC has increased in value compared to those which have not.
So, cut the BS. Your argument does not hold water!

Anonymous said...

Vallone is a gavone!
The dumbest of his brothers.
All he ever does is strike his Musollini poses.
That's to cover up his inability to represent his district appropriately.
Thrust out your chin, Don Paulo.
Stroke your dome.
The grim grimace is his trade mark.

Anonymous said...

If certain areas don't get marked historical we will all end up living in Astoria. I have no problem with Astoria but if I wanted to live there I would.

Why hold back the truth from your friends and neighors? People in Astoria worked hard too and everyone should see what happens with the Vallones.

Don't make the same mistake.

As a matter of fact, if you want to see the kind of urban fabric they are responsible for go to

If you want to see the future of a community board that has their fingerprints over it go to

Spread the word around the community - send pix to your neighbors - ask the anti-landmark crowd if that is what they want - hold them up in front of Baldy and ask if why he wants that for Douglaston.

Have fun!

(sarc said...

Anon # 11
"the United States Supreme Court has upheld NYC's landmarks law as being fully compliant with our United States Constitution"

You are citing the same the United States Supreme Court that said:

Obamacare is a tax and the government can force you to buy a SPECIFIC product of their choosing under penalty of fine and imprisonment.

The founders wrote the 14th amendment so the court can enact law & force states to marry gays, lesbians, & whatevers.

We can't define porn, but know it when we see it, impossibly vague.

found the Commerce Clause pliable enough to forbid an Ohio farmer from growing and consuming a specific amount of wheat on his own farm.

it is OK to seize private property under eminent domain and give it to a developer to increase tax revenue in Kilo decision that I have spoken of.

Most importantly, somehow they found you have a right to kill your baby in the constitution. I missed that sentence.

Tell me more about this wise, all knowing, UN-elected, unaccountable, group sitting on high in black robes legislating from the bench.

they also missed this:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Anonymous said...

The guy needs to be voted out.
End of discussion.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rotondi,

I have looked at the campaign lists. What names should I be looking for? How do we know who is a developer?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous points are accurate not one of these homes in so called "danger" are 'historic' I have looked and found all have been hacked to death and “blown out” with plastic windows, dormers and the owners only care about cashing out. To add people must face the fact the children of these 3rd generation home owners are NOT interested in a life of 70+ hour work weeks to live in New York, get in hock paying the highest taxes & train-fare in the country to live an area that's going to shit.
First-rate folks like Avella and Paulie G have hearts in the right place but its a lost cause. The smart people know it time to get out of New York as in TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN LIKE HELL. Everybody should take some time out and earnestly think about this and quit attacking the Vallones. The only folks we see fighting this are a handful of gray heads who could be retired in Florida happy with loads of $$$ instead of being aggravated. These elderly folks should go for it wile the opportunity exists !! Why would anyone insist on living and spending the last years of life in an upcoming colony of "vibrant and diverse" slobs packed in boxes like mixed nuts.

Anonymous said...

Hey sarc, the Supreme Court settled this is 1965.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous points are accurate not one of these homes in so called "danger" are 'historic' I have looked and found all have been hacked to death and “blown out” with plastic windows, dormers and the owners only care about cashing out. To add people must face the fact the children of these 3rd generation home owners are NOT interested in a life of 70+ hour work weeks to live in New York, get in hock paying the highest taxes & train-fare in the country to live an area that's going to shit.
First-rate folks like Avella and Paulie G have hearts in the right place but its a lost cause. The smart people know it time to get out of New York as in TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN LIKE HELL. Everybody should take some time out and earnestly think about this and quit attacking the Vallones. The only folks we see fighting this are a handful of gray heads who could be retired in Florida happy with loads of $$$ instead of being aggravated. These elderly folks should go for it wile the opportunity exists !! Why would anyone insist on living and spending the last years of life in an upcoming colony of "vibrant and diverse" slobs packed in boxes like mixed nuts.

You know, it's depressing when people make things up, even if they give me a complement in the process.

I researched, wrote and submitted the Douglaston HD Extension report in 2008 for the Douglaston Little Neck Historical Society. Those buildings which were researched - approximately 40 in all - *are* extremely historic in nature and architecturally significant.

The report can be read here:

When the Extension was calendared in 2008, the buildings were in excellent condition, with much of their historic fabric intact. The buildings range from the mid-19th century farmhouses to 1920s high-style buildings and are an impressive collection of first-rate historic structures.

Two of the buildings have been compromised over the past seven years; this was due to a lack of action by the LPC after the area was calendared and political threats from a now-incarcerated convicted criminal, former Councilmember Dan Halloran, and continued opposition from Councilmember Paul Vallone, whose family has made a mess in Astoria by overdeveloping it during the past 50+ years and making a fortune in the process. Vallone's behavior and positions on landmarking are pretty much in line with all of the developers that he has taken campaign contributions from in order to get elected in 2013.

So, no: I'm not "taking the money" and leaving. It's not a lost cause, either. And, I'm staying to keep on fighting to protect our neighborhoods in northeast Queens from being wrecked by lousy elected officials and developers.

Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

Keep going after them Paul. The people that write those comments do not live in the neighborhoods that they destroy.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I am not running an online course. Figure out who the developers are for yourself.
If you cannot tell , pardon my French, shit from are out of touch.
And get off of your high horse with th "Mr. Rotondi" stuff. I am not impressed with your formal tone in addressing me.

Anonymous said...

See, that throwback is now knocking Obamacare, which has nothing to do with the issue.
You gotta be a Communist.....or a Libertarian.....which is the twin of a Socialist.
This is that same fool who posts over and over and over again his same complaints about America.
Get back on your meds.

Anonymous said...

A lot of property pimps are busy posting anonymously for their REBNY pals.
Vallone has got his nose so deep up the real estate industry's ass that if he tried to pull it out he'd wind up losing half of his face for his effort.
Better keep it up there Don Paulo. It's the best place to hide your incompetence and treachery.
And, after awhile, it will begin to smell like Chanel #5 to you.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that these commenters who advocate "take the money and run" are disgruntled neurotics or real estate brokers who hope to cash in on a lowball sales price from an exiting seller and then resell it for a high ball figure. You do not fool us. A lot of property pimps are posting here. Notice that I don't call brokers whores. A whore gives good hard back breaking service. Her pimp merely skims off of her sweat.

Anonymous said...

With all of the money that Paul Vallone gets from his developer supporters, is he not really their pimp?

Anonymous said...

Paul graziano, who are the developers? I posted above but no one replied. I took the time to look over the campaigns contribution lists online but have no idea who the developers are. I would assume the largest contributors? But I don't know. It would be interesting to publicly call them out. Or call them up. Or mention it point blank to Vallone. I'm not sure who they are though.

Anonymous said...

Broadway Flushing is about to be screwed by Vallone.
He really does not want a historic district there, despite his walkabout the nabe with the LPC chair.
He was just going through the motions to cover his ass on both sides.

Any Polyannas in Broadway who still think that Vallone is on their side had better wake up quick.

Tear downs are occurring at an alarming rate and will continue to reach astronomical proportions soon.
Broadway has a target painted on their back. RENY is taking careful aim.

Vallone is playing a waiting game. He will offer a small slice of Broadway for a historic district as a booby prize.
Do not be a boob and accept such a small piece of the pie.
Vallone is making mucho $$$$$$$$$$ off of his developer pals who want to bust up Broadway.
He is getting the lion's share of that pie.

Any compromise that Vallone might offer should be looked at suspiciously.
He's a small time crook owned by a large gang of real estate thugs!
"Jump Paul, jump!" How high will Vallone have to jump to continue making his kickback $$$$$$$$$$$$$$?

Anonymous said...

Vallone screwed Bayside with that newly proposed high school that he wants and thousands of residents don't. He screwed Douglaston. He wanted to turn Leonard Square, a war memorial, into "Koreatown Plaza". He is plotting against Broadway Flushing regarding their National Historic District becoming a municipal district. Shall we go on?

With a councilman like him I prefer Atilla the Hun! At least Atilla was extremely capable and did not hide what he was.
We have an incompetent developers' suck up representing us.
Maybe Vallone has "friends" in the school construction authority to be pushing that high school on 32 Ave. so hard.

Anonymous said...

The whole Vallone family has long been in business accepting campaign contributions from developers.
That has been well documented. Here's your Cliff's notes short course for you.
Who has the most money to contribute to candidates? Developers! They own the candidate. You as voters nearly vote for them.
So who do you think they will be most loyal to?
Got it now?

Anonymous said...

I think you have no ideas about a lot of things. That's how Vallone and other shady pols get the best of you.
How could you vote wisely if you have no idea about who your candidate really is?
Do you do such sloppy research when purchasing an expensive smart phone?
Maybe you deserve what you get. As for some of us it's buyer beware! An enlightened citizenry is key to a well functioning democracy.
Dumb voters elect bad representatives.

Anonymous said...

Mention it point blank to Vallone? LOL! I almost just soiled my drawers laughing.
He will not care if he is called out. Thugs never do.
His reply might be, "Those are legally acceptable campaign contributions".
Then what? The only control you have here is to see that this shady self serving puppet of REBNY is not re-elected.
Wise up! Wake up! Otherwise do not bother voting. Your neighborhood is at stake.

Anonymous said...

Northeast Queens has been a thorn in the side of REBNY for many years. They are out to blockbust the whole area.
Their soldieri is Paul Vallone. Landmarking is REBNY's worst nightmare because it guarantees the stability of our fine suburban life within NYC and protects our big investment from blockbusting and manipulation. That's a small price to pay for some LPC oversight.
It's the best homeowners' insurance for my money. And cut the crap about big brother telling you what shade of blue you are allowed to paint your house. That's the kind of BS put out by REBNY stooges.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is out to block anything that interferes with the flow of money from his REBNY clients into his campaign coffers. This is how la famiglia Di Vallone has always operated in Astoria. Now PV is bringing overcrowded Astoria to the doorstep of northeast Queens.
Stop this avaricious carnivor now! Vallone poses as a father, church goer, soccer coach but is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Everything he does at St. Andrew's is for his personal gain. And, oh how the ladies, love his bald dome. One smiled at him recently as he stroked his shiny pate.

Anonymous said...

Notice how people always have to turn to Avella because Vallone is so contrary.
Bravo Tony! Do you think that Vallone still represents you?
A real city council member does not turn a deaf ear to his constituents. Vallone is in office simply to grease his REBNY pals' development projects along. WTF did he do when he was a CB7 member besides sell out his community to developers?
i.e. Joey "d'or" Franco's Whitehouse restaurant mega development, Flushing Commons, etc.

Anonymous said...

And Vallone is really anti Asian.
He was going around saying that he was " the greate white hope" otherwise northeast Queens would wind up with an Asian council member.
Many heard him say that.

Anonymous said...

Typical thread on this blog. everyone crying foul but they're all talk. if you have an issue with your electeds, vote them out when the time arises. if you're from outside the district being discussed, your comments while appreciated are futile.

just seems to me there's a lot of hate for Paul Vallone here, and for his entire family. Douglaston is not Astoria. it's up to the residents to rise up.

Anonymous said...

'Most importantly, somehow they found you have a right to kill your baby in the constitution. I missed that sentence. '

Small point, but they protect and subsidize your right to kill your own baby.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rotondi,

I am clearly not trying to impress you as I do not sign my name. Who would you possibly be impressed with? "Anonymous"? I always thought you seemed pretty forthright and levelheaded based on your posts which I've been following for the past two years since I moved to the neighborhood. I honestly don't know much about who the developers are and was genuinely curious. Guess I am indeed out of touch. No use getting involved in the neighborhood preservation the people who are so vocal about it have no desire to clue the new guys in.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind Jerry. He's cranky and probably worried that by naming names he'll end up at the bottom of the east river with cement blocks attached to his feet. Easy for him to go after Vallone who is a pussy but even he doesn't ha a the balls to start naming the developers. Hint: a lot of them have Italian surnames and pledge the maximum. And have wives who do the same. Look more carefully. And if you ever ask Vallone, be sure to report back because it will be hysterical to hear what garbage he tells you.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone even read the article?

"Like the Whites, the vast majority of homeowners in the area proposed for landmarks oversight are opposed to it, arguing for property rights over preservation. They have been fighting the city, local civic groups, and their friends and neighbors for eight years."

What is so hard to understand? It's my house, not yours. What the people in the mannor did to that poor Asian family is disgusting. They worked their entire life to live in the home they wish, you're not entitled to tell them otherwise.

Queens Crapper said...

The article is incorrect. The "vast majority" are not opposed.

Anonymous said...

The article is incorrect. The "vast majority" are not opposed.

You are correct, Crappy. The "vast majority" are not opposed. In fact, the "vast, vast, vast majority" are in favor if you include the 35 units of the Manor Apartments, which is how the Landmarks Preservation Commission operates.

It is ONLY because Vallone is opposed to landmarking as a rule - despite token support for an apartment complex in Bayside which had already changed their windows - that the Douglaston Extension will not get designated. It would get in the way of his real estate patrons.

Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

Paul graziano, who are the developers? I posted above but no one replied. I took the time to look over the campaigns contribution lists online but have no idea who the developers are. I would assume the largest contributors? But I don't know. It would be interesting to publicly call them out. Or call them up. Or mention it point blank to Vallone. I'm not sure who they are though.

Here are the links to follow to look at Vallone's developer supporters and the tactics they used to help him take over Council District 19 in 2013:

...and if you're really interested in looking at everything that Vallone has done to screw over District 19 since his election, here's the whole list:


Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

Vallone - fascist, oppressing, no democracy, blah blah, civic virtue.... Katz nazi worse than nazi Mussolini Putin, civic virtue, Brooklyn, fascists oppressed......blah, blah, Sesame Street, boro hall, Katz, vallone, deblasio, communist, nazi, queens is worse, civic virtue.....

Just in case you miss iritano. I wonder if he finally had that aneurysm or if crapper finally came to his senses and blocked him.

Anonymous said...

Douglaston is literally one big cesspool that needs sewers to keep from polluting our beaches

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Paul Graziano. That is exactly what I was seeking. Newish to the neighborhood and don't have the history most of you do with the whole who's who roster etc I will look over all the links later on. I see Paul at my church and we cross paths a lot because of our kids' activities. I just thought it would be interesting to bring it up to him in conversation. I'm sure he will lie but still always good to let someone know they are not pulling the wool over your eyes and you know the issues. Thanks again.

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