Sunday, October 11, 2015

SWO violated at f*cked up Flushing house

Word came early yesterday that there was continued construction at 30-35 150th Street despite a Stop Work Order.
I sent the QC photography team out to document the activity.
But then something funny happened. Adam Lombardi, on behalf of Paul Vallone, sent this comment into the blog:
Yes, please join the team because it's quite apparent that the sitting council member can't figure out on his own how to get the DOB to answer complaints that are months old, and also can't get the BEST Squad out for a priority A weekend call.


Anonymous said...

Crapper, you have outdone yourself this time.

The fact that Adam Lombardi is running interference for Vallone made my day and is, apparently, working for him now.

Even funnier is the fact that he has placed me in the same breath as Vallone as a "community leader" when he spent months attacking me during the 2013 City Council race on his website Queens Politics (which has mysteriously disappeared in the last few weeks) as well as on Facebook.

Come together with a phony pimping for a Councilmember who is doing less than nothing (as I predicted in 2013)? I don't think so.

It makes one wish for a return to be represented by the convicted criminal, former Councilmember Dan Halloran. At least he was upfront about how much you needed to pay him to buy him off.

Paul Graziano

Anonymous said...

Hey, wadda ya want from Stinky?.He's got a game to coach or some other such crap....

Anonymous said...

Adam's got his nose up Vallone's ass again, and Vallone has his nose up his developer clients asses.
What a daisy chain of ineffectiveness!

If Paul Graziano runs for office again, vote for him not the other Paul.
Graziano seems to be the only one who really gives a crap and knows how to get things done.

Anonymous said...

How do you spell inadequate "leadership"?
V-A-L-L-O-N-E !
But the developers just love Don Paulo.
The Don is a political mafioso and developers's lobbyist!
He might eventually jump on a contentious issue after his arm is twisted out of its socket.
Then he never knows WTF to do about it.
Sorry, Don Paulo, smiling and stroking your dome does not make you a good representative for our district.
Dump Vallone. could vote for Adam....LOL!

Anonymous said...

Snow White (the great white hope, Vallone) and the seven little men.....
Adam, Sleepy, Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, yadda, yadda.

Anonymous said...

Vallone must be desparate to have Adam posting for him.
LOL! Adam , sure as hell, is one of the most skillful spin doctors in the
A savvy pol would have a better spin staff.
Vallone doesn't think he needs one. He is an entitled Vallone.
The Vallone's have been in their family business of politics since the early 1950s.
They ruined Astoria. If you voters permit Paulie a second term , he will completely foul northeast Queens' quality of life.

Anonymous said...

Vallone needs our help. He can't do his job. Zoning issues and building permits are too heavy for him to comprehend.
So....hire yourself a good zoning building expert, instead of letting Adam post excuses for you, consigliere Vallone!

Anonymous said...

They are very busy with the corruption they don't have time for you.

Anonymous said...

Paul is using the same playbook as daddy and brother. They days when you had to depend on a pol to get things done needs a major reset - they are more a hinderance than a help.

Go after him.

Anonymous said...

And the work still continues.... Instead of us visiting Bayside why don't you visit Flushing!

(sarc) said...

They get it done

For a price $$$

Anonymous said...

Yes it's time to come together and landmark Broadway-Flushing!! Hopefully Adam, Vallone, Ron Kim and Toby Stavisky will join the neighborhood in support at the next rally!!! Hey I'm sure John Liu will even show up.

Crusseau said...

I don't understand why everyone is up in arms over this. It's been going on for years over several administrations. It's hasn't changed. It's not going to change. Move on and save your breath.

Anonymous said...

It's weird that this fellow is bragging about Vallone helping when nothing is getting done.
Doesn't exactly cast his guy in the greatest light.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why everyone is up in arms over this. It's been going on for years over several administrations. It's hasn't changed. It's not going to change. Move on and save your breath.
Chris, first a big thanks for your comments. We needed a big fat target to demonstrate a point and you have set yourself up admirably.

Now, you are absolutely right - this has been going on a long time.

But, then, people used typewriters a long time and guess, what - they don't any more.

You know why. Technology.

We are on blogs like Crappie. The Vallone record follows them from Astoria. People are comparing notes - and we now realize that we do not need the politicians as our only source of information. We can talk to each other. The difference?


Oh yes, buildings don't vote. Banks don't vote. And for the most part, the supporters of the politicians (big time donors and developers) mostly do not live in their communities.

Constituents and neighbors of shit boxes vote.

This WILL change.

Anonymous said...

You answered your own question, it's been going on for years. And now with the power of the Internet we are coming together and realizing there are more of us!! Let's keep the spot light on!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why everyone is up in arms over this. It's been going on for years over several administrations. It's hasn't changed. It's not going to change. Move on and save your breath.

If that's the case why have laws and regulations?
Also who will decide what laws get enforced and what laws get ignored?
The problem with corruption is that everybody pays the price one way or an other and some people just accept corruption as part of life, no big deal.
Actually this cynical attitude enables even more corruption, so move on and save your breath? Better yet, why not use the old cliché, you know this is New York.

Anonymous said...

@Paul Graziano

Actually it was pretty funny seeing your name in the same sentence and next to the councilman's name.

You have to admit, is unexpected to say the least :):):)



Anonymous said...

Vallone is in for a huge surprise next election. Everyone I've talked to, and that's a whole lot of people, is done with the guy. Especially the parish people who shilled for him. He really effed up with the low budget fireworks show!

Anonymous said...

Funny, but I don't see this issue mentioned in Vallone's latest newsletter.

Anonymous said...

Don't count on Vallone losing the next election.
This is politics where anything can happen. It is all about voter savvy and turnout and the county organization's support.

Anonymous said...

Don't count on Vallone losing the next election.
This is politics where anything can happen. It is all about voter savvy and turnout and the county organization's support.

Youi have to be incessant to demonize this guy - if people associate negativity that will create a big problem for him - and with that family's legacy you have plenty to material to pick from.

Post on every blog - make sure that his family's record hounds him day and night.

As to Honest Joe Crowley it would be great to list everything his henchmen does - like their posting of stupid racist comments here that keep our darling friends, the hipster kids from Davenport fleeing in ignorance rather than confronting the adult reality of hack machine politics.

Study your enemy and you will win.

Anonymous said...

Construction is continuing unabated at the site on Columbus Day. Thanks to Bill Leahy for keeping an eye out. Another complaint was filed with 311 today, tracking # is 1-1-1163742491.

Pics are here:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw them working today, Columbus Day, also. I live 1 block away, by house #2 situation.

Anonymous said...

You really think vallone can be beat? Sounds nice, but last time he won pretty decisively. Poor graziano lost big. You think that much has changed in two years? We had this blog and the vallone record in Astoria then too.

Camel bladder said...

See what I mean folks, construction on a holiday. They will finish building it even with stop work orders. Then it will eventually be legalized. It happens every time and it will happen this time, I promise you no one at DOB or the borough office will have the balls to make them tear it down. Get used to it folks s

Anonymous said...

The DOB or the Borough Office does not have the legal power to do what needs to be done and what we want them to do.



COUNCILMAN / SENATOR where are you regarding this issue?

Anonymous said...

You really think vallone can be beat? Sounds nice, but last time he won pretty decisively. Poor graziano lost big. You think that much has changed in two years? We had this blog and the vallone record in Astoria then too.

The Queens County Democratic trolls are out again, so let's review:

Vallone barely scraped by in 2013. He got 31% of the vote with all the money and political support in the world; Shaffran got 29% of the vote with only Labor support; and Graziano got almost 20% with a single endorsement: Avella.

Different year, different race for City Council in 2017. My money is on Graziano if we can get him to run against that clown Vallone.

Vallone has had almost two years to prove himself at least halfway competent and in touch. So far, he's done EVERYTHING WRONG and fucked over pretty much every neighborhood in the district trying to help his developer friends get variances and zoning changes, pushing giant schools on Bayside that no one wants, that stupid plaza on Northern Boulevard that he sponsored. Look how much he's been helping people with illegal development in HIS OWN NEIGHBORHOOD - NOTHING!

Thank goodness for Graziano and Avella. If it wasn't for them to keep vigilant about these problems, we would be even more screwed than we already are.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is going down next election. From the people at Marino's to the people at St. Andrew's to the bocce ball guys at Bowne Park, they all think he is crap. It's all starting to become very clear with him. He needs to really step up to the plate and sort out these building nightmares in the neighborhood. They are physical proof of his incompetence And his allegiance to his builder buddies.

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