Thursday, October 15, 2015

Flushing West bus terminal talk

From the Queens Courier:

The city plans to add mandatory affordable housing to all new developments and to consider adding a new bus terminal in a section of Flushing targeted for a major zoning initiative.

In the latest step to engage residents and local businesses as stakeholders in the rezoning process, the Department of City Planning presented accumulated feedback from previous meetings last week in the Flushing branch of the Queens Library.

The affordable housing provision is part of a mandatory inclusionary housing initiative in the general land use framework. It will seek to reach a broader range of income levels than previous programs and to increase the ratio of affordable units to those available at market rate.

One of the options currently proposed would set aside 25 percent of housing floor area for tenants making 60 percent of the area’s median income, or $46,620 for a family of three.

The new bus terminal was proposed as a way of diverting bus congestion away from the most heavily used streets in downtown Flushing. This could be located near the northern or southern edges of the rezoning area.


(sarc) said...

I hope there is a provision for free apartments for depressed people with dogs...

Casey Stengel said...

I hope this does not replace the bus depot across from shea stadium named after me.

Anonymous said...

All of flushing is a all needs to be destroyed and rebuilt over not just building a bus depot!

Anonymous said...

You can't improve Flooshing without improving the caliber of the people living here.

Whatever is built will be quickly ghettoized by the uneducated, unwashed, low-class, dishonest, greedy thugs living here! Just check out the #7 - it's a filthy, disgusting shithole ride!

We're just like Jamaica - hey Joe!

Anonymous said...

Time to pull the handle. Bawoooooosh!
Aahhh....after the crap has been sitting and ripening in the bowl for awhile , let's complete the flush down the toilet!
I guess that the British were clairvoyant when they changed the town's name from Vlisingen to Flushing.

Anonymous said...

Not a bus depot where buses are stored, guys. A bus terminal, where people board buses.

Anonymous said...

Just when the existing trash has been moving out of the neighborhood the past two decades the gov't wants new trash to move in. Flushing was a low income neighborhood that's been improving why force it to become poor and trashy again.

Anonymous said...

But part of the reason downtown Flushing is so convenient and popular is because all the busses pass through it.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. A lot of people take busses to Flushing to switch to the 7 subway. The busses need to be in the center of Flushing. If the bus is not going to stop near the subway (and they have already started doing this - the Q27 now stops 4 blocks away, instead of in front of the subway - where there is now a taxi stand) are people now going to be required to walk blocks and blocks to transfer?

Will there be a subway entrance right by the depot? If so, this makes sense. Otherwise it will be a nightmare for commuters.

Anonymous said...

Anon no. 9. The buses will continue to stop in Flushing. It's just that they may go elsewhere for a last stop.

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