Saturday, October 3, 2015

DeBlasio renaming Municipal Building for Dinkins

From the Observer:

Mayor Bill de Blasio has a big gift for his former boss: a 40-story piece of real estate downtown.

The Manhattan Municipal Building will be renamed for former Mayor David Dinkins, announced Mr. de Blasio—and his wife, Chirlane McCray, whom he met while they both worked for the 106th mayor of New York.

“Those of us who were lucky to serve in the Dinkins Administration had the honor of serving a leader who took challenges head on,” Mr. de Blasio said in a statement. “He’s left an indelible impact on this city—and on Chirlane’s and my lives. We are so grateful for Mayor Dinkins’ decades of public service and everything he’s done to ensure a stronger, safer city. I can’t think of a more fitting tribute than to rename the Municipal Building, where he spent 14 years of his career, in his honor.”

Mr. Dinkins told the Observer he was “delighted” by the honor, but sought to share it with those who worked alongside him.


Anonymous said...

Triboro Bridge
East River Drive
Blackwells Island
Belmont Island
Idlewild Airport
Interboro Parkway
Queensborough Bridge
Glenn Curtis Airport

f*k the politicians.

Anonymous said...

I can understand naming the pissoirs in Flushing Meadow-Corona Park after him, but a whole goddamn building???

Anonymous said...

Classy move by dinkins. Stop naming shi+ after people.

Jackson Heights Johnny said...

So... our mayor is "proud" to have served in the Dinkins administration?

Two worst mayors this city has ever had!

Anonymous said...

Spent 14 years doing what?

Anonymous said...

This is a joke, right?

Anonymous said...

Dems love to pin medals on each other.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely disgraceful.

(sarc) said...

Both administrations were and are a disaster.

Debaz & da wife are the only two admitting and proud to be part of the Dinkens years.

Should get a more appropriate monument, like a landfill, waste transfer station or landfill...

Anonymous said...

Utterly and totally beyond belief.
An administration that by ANY measure was an abject failure in all areas.
Maybe the most important civic building in the city named after this guy?

JQ said...

To be possibly fair, and though the summer of 90 in Crown Heights was one of the most horrific in city history and what has turned out to be a perennial tax dollar albatross that is Arthur Ashe stadium and the spacehogging of the US Open, Dinkins was not that bad running the city and crime was going down in the last 2 years of his term with the effective safe streets safe city campaign. R. Kelly was a good hire at the time way before he became the megalomaniac blowhard expert on terrorism,ignoramus of constitutional rights and head potentate of crime stat doctoring (ask Schoolcraft) to bolster the real estate market into gentrifying undesirable areas in Brooklyn (bedstuy and bushwick).

But Dink doesn't merit a building in his name, or even a bench. Certainly The Blaz is hoping to get a similar honor for his term of under and non-acheivement.

Anonymous said...

This is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard.The trifecta of mayoral disasters - Koch, Dinkins and Dumblasio. First they name the QB bridge after mayor Krotch and now this? Dinkins was a one term mayor because he was so bad. They should name the QB underpass after Dumblasio since he pretty much likes to be down under mayor Krotch.

Anonymous said...

After De Blasio, Dinkins was the second worst mayor ever.
You needed to take his pulse to see if he hadn't fallen asleep on the job.
Boring, boring, boring! But not when it came to selling out Flushing Meadows parkland to the USTA.
What a lackluster hack!

Anonymous said...

Scratch Koch and put Lindsay into that trifecta (Lindsay did some real damage). Kind of like the name change though, The Stinkin Dinkins Building. Has a nice ring.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, our City Council will not protest this Dinkins renaming despite the unpopularity of the renaming among constituents.

Henry22 said...

Two dirtbag's a thing of beauty.

Anonymous said...

What a stupid thing to do---name a building after a "mayor" whose first act in office was to order himself an $11,000 custom headboard for his bed. Who was responsible for a pogrom in the city during which an innocent Torah scholar from Australia was murdered, for nothing. Who put the city into a major financial bind with the tennis crap, which causes major inconveniences for many people seeking to use facilities of Flushing Meadow Park during their crummy tennis stuff. My personal name for this piece of garbage was "Stinkin' Dinkins". I see a previous poster also had that epiphet in mind. Great minds think alike! Dinkins was NOT one of them.

I guess DiDumDum is working hard, as usual, to earn his "Worst Mayor in the History of NYC" designation. He wants to out-do his hero Dinkins in sheer stupidity. So far, he has convinced me that he's well on the way to doing that.

Anonymous said...

That's what you get for not voting........

Anonymous said...

Too bad there are no more landfills or garbage dumps left in NY. That would have been more appropriate.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Liberals are destroying America even while naming pieces of it for themselves. Vote right.

Anonymous said...

NO. 'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Publicly owned buildings, infrastructure, and facilities should be named after the neighborhood in which they reside or after a fallen soldier from the neighborhood in which they reside. NEVER after a politician or appointed office holder - especially one who is still alive.

Peter Moulinos said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

How about the Mayor Fugazio Bridge, ex GW Bridge?

Anonymous said...

it could be worse . he could have named it after EXECUTED ATOM BOMB MARXIST SPY ,JULIOUS ROSENBERG circa 1949.

Anonymous said...

I thought the naming of a public locale in honor of someone was to be posthumous. Was Dinkins so superb that there should be an exception to this time-honored tradition?

DeBlasio and Obama are disasters. They are giving all sorts of benefits to illegal aliens, with our hard-earned tax dollars, while long-time legal residents of our city are being treated like second-class citizens. They are paying huge bills just to live here, and for the privilege of being overwhelmed and scorned by hordes who cannot, or will not, speak English, and only use our country for what they can get out of it. A long-time resident cannot even get a job anymore. Hope and Change!

I guess the old-timers can go on welfare, or Obamacare. Who cares? There is no reward for honesty and patriotism any more. Our country is ruined. Thanks DB & O!

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