Sunday, May 31, 2015

NYPD needs more officers to fight ISIS

From PIX11:

The New York Police Department and other law enforcement agencies around the nation are increasing their surveillance of ISIS supporters in the U.S., in part to aid the FBI which is struggling to keep up with a surge in the number of possible terror suspects, according to law enforcement officials.

The change is part of the fallout from the terrorist attack in Garland, Texas earlier this month. The FBI says two ISIS supporters attempted a gun attack on a Prophet Mohammad cartoon contest but were killed by police. One of the attackers, Elton Simpson, was already under investigation by the FBI but managed to elude surveillance to attempt the foiled attack.

FBI Director James Comey told a group of police officials around the country in a secure conference call this month that the FBI needs help to keep tabs on hundreds of suspects.

As a result, some police agencies are adding surveillance teams to help the FBI monitor suspects. Teams of NYPD officers trained in surveillance are now helping the FBI’s surveillance teams to better keep track of suspects, law enforcement officials say.

NYPD Commissioner William Bratton has said he wants to add 450 officers to the force’s counterterrorism unit, partly to counter the increasing domestic threat posed by ISIS sympathizers.


Anonymous said...

Obama said ISIS was a JV league terrorist
Obama went to Harvard, smart guy and I believe him
Obama said.....oh never mind.

Anonymous said...

You dont need cops specifically for this . Yes,add some cops to Emergency Service we need cops on patrol ,in sector cars. But get the few real cops out there and arm them with semiauto high capacity rfles. Have at least one sector car in every pct along with heavy vests. ESU are great, but they might not make it to the scene in time. And also get a commissioner with balls and a mayor who will back the police and care about NYC and it's residents, not his agenda!

LibertyBoyNYC said...

Why don't we try defeating graffiti first?

Anonymous said...

3 people fatally shot last night by housing project thugs and Bratton is worried about ISIS? More cops would be great, but is he smoking something?

Anonymous said...

The war on drugs is far more important/lucrative/economically conducive than fighting any terrorist group.

It's all about the $$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

How about securing the southern border so these creeps can't sneak in the country?

Anonymous said...

""How about securing the southern border""

No shit !
On the ham radio you can hear some ranchers talking about heavily armed smugglers and corrupt Mexican police are running 100s of people ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE, many Arabic looking with backpacks across their land. Threaten to come back and kill your whole family if you call the cops.
This is clearly an INVASION by a foreign militia and Obama is still doing NOTHING !!!

Anonymous said...

Yep....there has been a 12% spike in NYC murders. We have our own home grown. ISIS is a small problem compared to city crime.

Anonymous said...

Graffiti is a low level crime compared to terroris, Mr. Liberty Boy. Grow up!

Anonymous said...

I was recently informed by a business owner, that the FBI has been going around to nurseries and garden centers to inquire if anyone was buying unusual amounts of nitrate fertilizer. Apparently somebody is already doing the job watching out for bombers. Great work!

Anonymous said...

I've got a serious question. If those cops with the military rifles have to open fire, wouldn't there be a lot of collateral damage? I agree you've got to prevent terrorists from accomplishing their goals, but M16 rounds peppering the air could claim some innocent lives as well.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure all those cops that are no longer stop-and-frisking can now handle this, right? See how our genius mayor solved the problem? So lucky we have him (and Charlene and Al Sharpton) for another 11 years.

Anonymous said...

Penn Station's LIRR corridor already has at least a dozen state cops, and equal amount of national guardsmen, Amtrak cops, and NYPD special units. Do I feel safe taking the 4:29? I breakdown, track fires and metal thieves, etc. are causing problems.

Anonymous said...

Anon #12:
I believe that the mayor is term-limited to only 7 more consecutive years, not 11 years.

Anonymous said...

Does Bratton know something that we don't ? He sounds very concerned .

Anonymous said...

This country already has an army. Let it confront ISIS. And let the NYPD stick to burglaries and parking tickets.

Anonymous said...

This country already has an army. Let it confront ISIS. And let the NYPD stick to burglaries and parking tickets.
Amen. When did the entire responsibility for counterterrorism fall sqarely onto the shoulders of the NYPD. The NYPD is a municipal police department How about putting all those "counterterrorism" cops back in precinct sectors and let them do what they do best, fight street crimes.

JQ said...

"The NYPD is a municipal police department How about putting all those "counterterrorism" cops back in precinct sectors and let them do what they do best, fight street crimes."

They can't because Mayor Big Slow decided not to hire cops despite the rise in citizenry and the perennialy gross influx of tourism and the rise in shootings and muggings in parks. They won't because Bratton like R. Kelly before prefers to use cops for the highly unlikely threat of a terrorist attack (unless some schmuck decides to hold a mohammed cartoon contest somewhere) or tools for oppression when people decide to protest.

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