Wednesday, May 20, 2015

BDB losing support among black community

From the NY Times:

Dozens of black ministers, justice reform advocates and civil rights activists and four black members of Congress gathered last Monday at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem to discuss a delicate matter: What to do about Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Over the course of the morning meeting, attendees voiced a series of concerns: Mr. de Blasio, some complained, seems to have lost his appetite for criminal justice reform. The mayor, they said, has been too slow to take action against the police officer whose use of a chokehold on Eric Garner, an unarmed black man on Staten Island, led to Mr. Garner’s death. Other participants grumbled that Mr. de Blasio and his staff have simply not done enough to communicate with black community leaders on issues like affordable housing.

The unusual congregation of community influencers, convened by the Rev. Calvin O. Butts III, was part gripe session, part strategic huddle, revealing the first hints of frustration with a mayor who won 96 percent of the black vote when he was elected in 2013.

Black voters have been an essential base of support for the mayor, remaining largely enthusiastic about him even as his support has wilted with other groups in the city. The bonds were forged in Mr. de Blasio’s early criticism of stop-and-frisk policing, and reinforced by politically resonant images of his biracial family broadcast during the 2013 campaign.

Yet the perception that Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat, has eased up on his commitment to police reform has plainly begun to rankle some: At a weekend gathering this month at the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, Representative Hakeem Jeffries, a Brooklyn Democrat, publicly lamented that “broken windows policing,” the aggressive enforcement of minor violations, was still policy across the city.

Mr. Jeffries, who also attended the gathering at Abyssinian, said in an interview that there was “growing disenchantment with the administration in the black community.”

“The disenchantment relates to policing issues, the mayor’s support of broken windows, his lack of support for banning
chokeholds and his willingness to support making resisting arrest a felony,” Mr. Jeffries said, adding: “We’re very early in the mayor’s first term, and there’s a lot of room for progress.”


georgetheatheist said...

DeBlasio got "religion" at Wenjian Liu's and Rafael Ramos' funerals in December.

Anonymous said...

Not one so called Gripe about black unemployment though,I wonder why?
Mr a DiBlasio knows he gets the black vote Cheep that's why he devotes all his time to immigration, they work,pay tax's and vote so don't piss off the growing Majority for a bunch of lazy disgruntled freeloaders
Latino's will take over NY politics and Latino's could care less about blacks especially when it will be them paying for those EBT Cards
So Cry me a river Mr Butts.
Black's better get their heads out of their Butts if you know what I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

This mayor is so useless but the voters got what they asked for! I did not vote for this idiot! I knew he was a fake from the second he started campaigning. What a lazy nobody this idiot is. He's out of touch with the real world.

Anonymous said...

A 'progressive' democrat losing support of the black community?


They will never fall off in support, ie vote for a moderate lib or a (God forbid) republican.

The way you lose their support is they stay home on election day.

That does not equal support for non-liberal policies.

The democrat party and the black community remain joined at the hip for life.

Anonymous said...

What more do they want? They can't be arrested anymore despite criminal activity, and he's working to boost their welfare and free housing. Plus he's got Reverend Al and Charlene out their promoting him.

JQ said...

Happy 90 X, it still continues.

Anonymous said...

Call this "buyer's remorse".

I'm in the minority here, but he's still better than Christine Quinn would have been.

Anonymous said...

And hard to believe he as NYC Advocate for a while. Can anyone please explain what a NYC Advocate does?

Anonymous said...

Not one so called Gripe about black unemployment though,I wonder why?
Mr a DiBlasio knows he gets the black vote Cheep that's why he devotes all his time to immigration, they work,pay tax's and vote so don't piss off the growing Majority for a bunch of lazy disgruntled freeloaders
Latino's will take over NY politics and Latino's could care less about blacks especially when it will be them paying for those EBT Cards
So Cry me a river Mr Butts.
Black's better get their heads out of their Butts if you know what I'm saying.


In 1 generation, when the third worlders' kids are doing a modicum enough better than their parents and aren't burdened with memories of oppression in the Old World and figure out that they have enough voting numbers for political action, the inner city black poor are going to face a crisis they can't imagine.

What the hell is BDB going to do to stem this tide?

Anonymous said...

BAD=Black And Democrat
Mayor Supersize it knows a winning ticket when he's buying it with your money.

Anonymous said...

“The disenchantment relates to policing issues, the mayor’s support of broken windows, his lack of support for banning
chokeholds and his willingness to support making resisting arrest a felony,” Mr. Jeffries said......

this is what is important to Jeffries. how come, as someone a few comments back mentioned, people from dirt poor countries come here with nothing and in one generation turn their families into educated and productive members of the city?

its time the black community stops looking for whitey to solve their problems. it is not going to happen. its simple economics. man and woman meet. they work and start a family. they save up enough to move to a better area and start a family. they realize children are expensive so they stop after 2. they can't save for college so they send the child to community college where they spend 2 years and move onto a 4 year institution.
both children graduate.

rinse and repeat.

you take the father out of the equation and add in a few extra children and the simple formula falls apart. too many children growing up in an area with limited resources. doesn't matter what the initial cause of this was, you can't break the cycle until you start making the family a priority.

Go look at the indians and the koreans. i think they got it right. Look at the valedictorians on Long Island this year. Asians make up most, weather its a poor high school or a filthy rich high school.

if i wrote this on twitter i would be labeled a racist.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he needs to parade son Dante around with his dared Afro hairdo to prove that he's still a friend of the Blacks. The "First Lady" can accompany her son.

Anonymous said...

DeBlasio has not done anything for the black community. What he has done is open more homeless shelters in black communities. Which has brought crime and problems. I don't even want to get started with the stopping of "stop and frisk" NYC is a f-ing mess. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

this was predicted. DiBlasio made it possible to place a D.O.J monitor over the nypd. he disbursed the infiltration of nyc mosques in order to monitor the activist-radical Moslems. he did away with stop/ask/frisk to take guns /knives out of the predators pockets in the minority areas.

the shooting and murder rate has sharply inclined since these measures were initiated by BDB.

Guiliani saved the lives of many many minorities, by his policies in 1990's. the homicide numbers dropped from 2400/year to 400/year. mostly in the minority areas of nyc.

Baltimore has had 30 homicides of black men by black men since the six officers were arrested. 100 homicides in the year of 2015.

communist revolutionaries in government put all races of PATRIOTS in jeopardy.

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