Monday, April 6, 2015

City Council members admit they can't work without cars (but you should)

Brad Lander - Daily News
From Crains:

City Council members have come a long way from the days when a “windshield mentality” dominated that body, according to advocates who promote alternatives to automobiles. They have embraced Vision Zero—the de Blasio administration’s push to eliminate traffic fatalities, including a reduction in the citywide speed limit to 25 mph—and at a Crain’s Breakfast Forum last week, four members agreed that there’s a cost to having four free bridges spanning the East River.

But the quartet of council members—Brad Lander, Mark Levine, Jumaane Williams and Julissa Ferreras—were not ready to forsake their free parking spots next to City Hall.

Asked by the moderator, “Is it right that council members get free parking next to City Hall and if so, why do you deserve free parking more than the rest of us who try to get to work?” Mr. Williams replied, “The framing of the question deserves some kind of response.”

He then delivered one: “It would be very difficult for me perform my job as efficiently as I try to without [being able] to park, so I wish everybody had the ability to park as freely as some of us do, but essentially to do the job, you have to be able to park.”

Mr. Lander gave a nod to a former Brooklyn borough president in the audience who has spent much of his career driving around his home county. “Marty Markowitz is going to be so excited to hear me defend parking,” he began.

“I have supported many actions to make it more difficult, so I think it does need to be harder for New Yorkers to find free parking if we are going to move to a more sustainable city,” said Mr. Lander, whose district includes a section of Park Slope where surveys have shown half of all drivers are circling for parking.

“On the other hand,” he continued, “I don't know how I would get to the events that I try to get to without the car.”


Anonymous said...

Of course they don't want the regulations they impose on everyone else to apply to themselves. They are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. They also think they are exempt from parking rules. I frequently see cars with political plates parked next to hydrants, in crosswalks, etc. They are immune from tickets.

JQ said...

Now that its warm out, these wimps can get The Blaz to install bike racks inside city hall, there's plenty of room in the front. Even easier, they can buy denon folding bikes to commute, they are surprisingly fast and you can take them inside.

And there are tons of bike racks and of course Shiti bike is going to put more stations out there.

They can save a lot of the city's money for the next 6 months so these electeds have no reason to drive or be driven.

Julie can definitely use the exercise as the others.

Anonymous said...

Socialism is not for the socialist

Middle Villager said...

“I have supported many actions to make it more difficult, so I think it does need to be harder for New Yorkers to find free parking if we are going to move to a more sustainable city,” ...I've said it before, they want our cars.

Anonymous said...

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." I guess Animal Farm is no longer required reading in the schools. Maybe it will be banned soon.

Anonymous said...

These people are walking caricatures of themselves.

Anonymous said...

You can not live in much of Queens without a car - there's no public transportation - just a few sporadic buses!

Bayside, Whitestone, North Flushing and all points East - it's pathetic!

We need better maintained municipal lots with guards!

Ben Dover said...

We have created a class of privileged corrupt council members. They get perks and we get butt fucked. Until we learn to overthrow this oligarchy we have created by voting stupidly, we will have to enjoy assuming the position. That means no Vaseline when we are forced to bend over.

Anonymous said...

Do we pay for Paul Vallone's Simonize head job too? He smiles stupidly at his constituents that are dumber than he is! That is how Don Paulo got his job. A bunch of "A" holes elected him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:
Almost all Queens residents, even those in Eastern Queens, take public transportation (LIRR or bus/subway) to get to Manhattan to work. Their council representatives should do the same, if only to relate to their constituents.

American Council of Environmental Hypocrites said...

We're members of the American Council of Environmental Hypocrites (ACEH), and we wholeheartedly support New York City Council members Brad Lander, Mark Levine, Jumaane Williams and Julissa Ferreras!!!


Al Gore
Leonardo DiCaprio
John Travolta
Prince Charles
Robert Redford
Rob Reiner

Do what we say, NOT what WE do!!!

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

It's a sad day for all hardworking New York taxpayers when a graphic meditation from Ben Dover can't be argued against for truth to prevail. Thanks to Giuliani and Bloomberg, we've all been duped and bilked into compromising positions beyond reason, sanity (and now human anatomy, thanks to Ben Dover's unforgettable imagery that is forever looped in my mind's inner eye). Neo-fascism is now the new (yet again or still), unauthorized rule of our former city council democracy that refuses to enforce the rules for themselves that they ruthlessly and brutally enforce for everyone else (the REAL working class, that is, with REAL job goals and productivity that, unlike these vile and vacuous, cradle-to-grave incompetents, demand either action---or instant dismissal--you know, the way the REAL world works, versus how the fake world of city government NEVER works for its purportedly democratic people!)! Because, if a government by the people and for the people actually worked, then it would be far easier to commence instant impeachment proceedings against any and all council members who continue to behave like empowered idiots (like right now, as always), and unresponsive tyrants who practice a dereliction of public duty, as they also continue practicing "selective," and "occasional" representation. That's why corruption, graft, cover-ups, kickbacks and payoffs are now a systemic reality of their never ending dysfunction, dishonor, dishonesty, disloyalty and pathological disregard---because they lie, cheat and steal---easier than they breathe, while nothing gets accomplished except a lifetime city pension for themselves that were always designated for their perpetually screwed constituents---and the public be eternally damned!

Anonymous said...

These stupid Democrat hacks are the last people to really be and live Green. Its just a talking point to guilt trip the commoners. It is total bullshyte!!!

Posing as a green is 100% about creating a bogus image to get elected so you steal more one way or another. Stealing can be as creative as insisting that someone who wants something done must hire the hacks son who is a lawyer

Anonymous said...

"Do we pay for Paul Vallone's Simonize head job too?"

We pay for the shoeshine boy to polish his chrome dome.

Gary W said...

Middle Villager said...
“I have supported many actions to make it more difficult, so I think it does need to be harder for New Yorkers to find free parking if we are going to move to a more sustainable city,” ...I've said it before, they want our cars.

Monday, April 06, 2015
Damn straight they do, cars equal freedom.

Anonymous said...

The overall lesson is this: do what we say, not what we do. We know so much better than you how to run your life

Anonymous said...

Landers chief of staff just got indicted. Why is no one writing about that ?

Anonymous said...

Who are the assholes who keep voting these $cumbages into office????

Anonymous said...

"These stupid Democrat hacks are the last people to really be and live Green. Its just a talking point to guilt trip the commoners. It is total bullshyte!!!"

Green is the new color of shit these days.

Anonymous said...

Do politicians have to pay tolls when going over TBTA-MTA bridges/tunnels?

Anonymous said...

They need those cars to travel ...uh...way up to an Appalachian accept bribes from mob tied developers.

Anonymous said...

They are driving NYC middle class taxpayers into the poor house.

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