Monday, April 6, 2015

Bloomberg considers London mayoral run

From New York:

In the 15 months since he ceased to be New York City's chief executive, Michael Bloomberg has made it quite clear he does not intend to spend the rest of his life doing free consulting work, lobbying for gun control, and perfecting his golf game. After Bill de Blasio took over City Hall, Bloomberg reinserted himself into the day-to-day operations of the company he founded, Bloomberg LP, despite having said that he had no intention of doing so. And, earlier this year, New York's Gabriel Sherman reported that the billionaire was interested in buying the New York Times. Now the United Kingdom's Sunday Times claims that his ambition has outgrown New York altogether. According to the paper, Bloomberg is "considering" running for mayor of London in 2016.


Anonymous said...

London better be prepared for trouble then!!

Anonymous said...

He would ban fried fish and chips.

JQ said...

London is going through the same gentrification problems as NY. So the town's interest in the fun size mayor should be a good fit for them. Maybe they want to upzone around big ben and develop 100 floor towers on the thames.

Anonymous said...

Don't you have to be a British citizen to be the Mayor of London? Eh, no matter, the London Assembly can just change the laws so that fun size can run for office - just like the NYC Council did.

Anonymous said...

Why not? He plans to retire in London.
And he always had contempt for the average New York Joe. Maybe the queen will knight him.
Sir Bloomberg. Can you imagine it.
He can stand with his peer, Sir Elton John.

God grant him boy far across the pond as is possible.

Anonymous said...

No problem for Bloomberg: under United Kingdom law, candidates must deposit the equivalent of $15,000 to run, returnable if candidate win at least 5% of the vote.

Ms. Tsouris said...

Maybe this is one way to get rid of this weasely rich bully

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a British joke to me.

Anonymous said...

A perfect episode for the Monty Python show.

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