Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mark Weprin continues his cluelessness

From Capital New York:

Councilman Mark Weprin announced legislation on Monday that would allow youth hostels in New York City.

The bill, Intro. 699, would allow hostels to operate with four to eight beds in each dormitory-style room and reopen a market targeted for young individuals that are backpacking in New York City.

It would allow licensed hostels to operate in commercial areas and be subject to regulation by the city Department of Consumer Affairs.

Hostels in New York City struggled after a 2010 New York law outlawed renting apartments for less than 30 days.

Weprin, a Queens Democrat, said that the bill will open a new market and won’t compete with hotels because it’ll be marketed towards a younger demographic that doesn’t care for its surroundings and is focused on an affordable stay.

“We want young people to come here and very often they don’t care where they stay,” said Weprin at a press conference outside of City Hall on Monday morning. “They just want to put their heads down on a safe, clean place and the youth hostels offer a great opportunity for this market.”

Yes, we need even more hotels in manufacturing zones. Great idea.


Anonymous said...

The rest of world has youth hostels and bed and breakfasts and no problems. Why can we not manage to learn to do it right?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the actual facts were re the Pan American Hostel. When it opened I thought at last a hostel that I would easily stay at in any other country.

Anonymous said...

Hey Weprin. How about paying attention to your constituent's needs instead of worrying about out-of-towners ? Hostels are not a priority. Saving our neighborhoods and the Middle Class are!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it will be great for young " backpackers", especially the ones who visit restaurants for 15 hours a day.

Anonymous said...

He hasn't got his rug on straight.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter that he's clueless. After he is term-limited, he and his Assemblyman brother David will once more switch jobs, and they will both be re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Of all the problems that Mark Weprin could choose to turn his attention to, he has managed to choose something that is not a problem for New Yorkers - the affordability of a room in New York City for foreign citizen tourist "backpackers".

Maintaining a clear distinction between hotels and rental apartments has been good for the city. Blurring that is not going to help the people of New York.

Anonymous said...

As Fred Sanford would say, "You dummy"!

Don't we have enough back packers clogging up the subways already? This ain't the Rocky Mountains. He should be introducing a bill to ban backpacks from our transit system.

Aside from being a terrorist's favorite means of conveying destructive. devices, they pose a general nuisance. Many have been whacked when an ill mannered or clueless carrier suddenly spins around, unaware that his backpack has knocked someone down or blocked their exit.

I thought that Mark was supposed to be the smarter of the Weprin boys. I guess they're a pair of equally dumb entitled SOBs who are full of themselves. Uh ,Mark your face is filling out. Time to diet, no?

Anonymous said...

So this is a major legislative concern, of all things?

Anonymous said...

Obviously in bed with scum developers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Weprin. How about paying attention to your constituent's needs instead of worrying about out-of-towners ? Hostels are not a priority. Saving our neighborhoods and the Middle Class are!

Please help fix the problems in our community instead of worrying about stuff that nobody cares about. This guy has to go

Farfel the Dog said...

How do you spell Weprin?


Anonymous said...

This guys knows exactly what he is doing and he also knows he can do pretty much anything he wants even if it is not in the best interest of his constituents.

The only thing you can do is to cut into his support by writing letters, confronting him on the side walk, and scaring the seniors with stories of Weprin now letting terrorists into the neighborhood.

One of the ways you get back at people like this is to scare the sheeple voting base.

JQ said...

Has Weeprin started writing legislation for the needs of those assholes with the airline rolling suitcases?

Anonymous said...

Fat jowls and a bad rug. What a charictature of a cheap crooked pol. Anyone remember "Boss Hog"?

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