Saturday, February 7, 2015

Is a bus bridge the ticket to LaGuardia?

From LTVSquad:

We should build an entirely new bus-only (or maybe light rail) route to LaGuardia (LGA). It would follow the existing M60 bus route across 125th street in Harlem (connecting to all north/south subway lines in Manhattan as well as Metro North) and go east across the RFK Triboro bridge to Randalls island.

From Randalls island, the bus would enter a brand new, bus only bridge, taking it across the East River and into the massive private Con Ed property at the northwest tip of Queens. An existing roadway would bring us to Luyster Creek – where a short new bridge (or fill – it is at the end of the creek after all) would connect the property to the end of 19th avenue (a wide road through an industrial area that abruptly and dangerously dead ends).

Once on 19th avenue, it’s a short hop down existing streets to LaGuardia.

The route through Con Ed and over the new bridge would need to be camera enforced to automatically ticket any random drivers who enter (the technology exists in the form of specialized ez-pass readers & traffic cameras).


Anonymous said...

It may be the cheapest solution, but it will still be dependent on traffic weather issues.

Anonymous said...

Still more sensible than ANYTHING to come out of City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Sensible would be extend the N train from Ditmars, but NIMBY NIMBY NIMBY

Anonymous said...

It's a possible solution until the bike crazies begin demanding a bike lane on the bridge...

Anonymous said...

Air Train to Willets Point is better. transfer to subway or LIRR and you are in midtown in less than a half hour.

the bus is slow and you would need to take another bus to this bus.

Anonymous said...

The bus/light rail would connect to the 123456ACBD and metro north, you wouldn't need a bus to get to the bus.

Instead of building an expensive bridge why not build a better transit way on 125th st? The M60 still only moves ~5mph there, probably a lot more bang for your buck speeding up that segment, and you wouldn't have to build a messy connection to the manhattan span of the triboro, and you wouldn't have to run a fancy (expensive) bus/rail viaduct through the park already littered with them. Save the money for finishing the second avenue subway so we can move onto projects serving the rest of the city, say a second avenue - northern blvd line through 63rd street. Really want to do something for airport users? Are the 1/23 stations on 125th ADA compliant? Maybe install elevators for people with luggage. Or in Astoria too. How about actually maintaining elevators?. Or buy up a storefront by the subways that connect to airport buses and setup a lounge for people waiting for an airport bus.

Anonymous said...

N train extension is still the best solution. As for the NIMBY opposition- it's only two residential blocks of 31st Avenue. Get over it, literally.

Anonymous said...

Sensible would be extend the N train from Ditmars, but NIMBY NIMBY NIMBY
They days of Provorambo and her little YUCKie group being the tail waggin the dog are numbered. Don't have Vallone to protect them anymore.

Go Westway!!!

Anonymous said...

It is way past time to close La Guardia except for light domestic service. This is an antiquated air field. You cannot squeeze 10 lbs of shit into a 5 lb bag! LGA poses a danger to both vehicular and air traffic.

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