Sunday, November 23, 2014

Untouchables get props from NY1

From NY1:

"Some of them are abandoned," said Sergeant Alexander Cedillo of the New York City Police Department. "Some of them have no plates."

Cedillo has made quality-of-life issues a priority since joining the 103rd Precinct's Hillside Conditions team a few months ago.

"This was one of the big locations that we had numerous complaints, numerous complaints, was that vacant lot right there. There was about, I would say 25 to 30 vehicles," Cedillo said. "We took care of it. There was about two or three cars that were actually stolen."

The officers also do nightly checks of areas that often have drug problems, prostitution and squatters. They have also been helping community activist Pamela Hazel in her efforts to clean up some of the garbage-filled lots and abandoned property. She started calling the officers "the untouchables" a few months ago, based on the old crime-fighting police show.

"Cedillo and his team, they have been so instrumental in helping us and doing the things that other people couldn't do for us," Hazel said.

The officers are also working with some of the business owners to make sure they are keeping their property clean, and that appears to be working in some problem areas.


Joe Moretti said...

An amazing group of officers who have been very instrumental in the mission of "Clean Up Jamaica Queens".


Anonymous said...

Cedillo has made quality-of-life issues a priority since joining the 103rd Precinct's Hillside Conditions team a few months ago.

Unfortunately there needs to be a Jamaica Avenue Conditions team, too, and an Archer Avenue Conditions team, and a Sutphin Boulevard Conditions team...

But I applaud Pamela, Joe, Sgt. Cedillo and all of the other officers.

Joe Moretti said...

That article is a somewhat misleading. The Untouchables deal with quality of life issues in the 103rd precinct district. The article makes it sound like the focus on Hillside, but that is not right. They cover all areas within the 103rd district.

Anonymous said...

Why do we have Sanitation Police? Shouldn' they deal with garbage while the real police deal with human garbage?

Anonymous said...

If respect for the neighborhood doesn't float your boat, then fear of the Untouchables could.

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