Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The results are in and...

nothing's changed. Voters in the rest of the state actually dumped some incumbents, though, and the State Senate is now red once more. Being that the Dems are now in the minority, that doesn't help Queens at all. Of course when the Dems were in the majority, we weren't tossed a bone, either.


Anonymous said...

I voted for Astorino.... I thought I was voting wisely.

I should have just stayed home, washed the dishes, folded some messy clothes, cooked my lunch for the next day. Waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Addabbo nearly got walloped. That says a lot about his performance, or lack thereof.

Anonymous said...

Plenty has changed, it just got worse. Dream Act here we come.

Anonymous said...

As the Courier article pointed out, almost all incumbents were not challenged, or were challenged by third party candidates. the only way we'll get changes is if we have term limits.

Anonymous said...

The GOP couldn't even run candidates against several dem incumbents.

The GOP would have been better off with Haggerty than Ragusa.

Anonymous said...

The only positive thing that came out of it, is we need to work harder. There was more voters and there was more votes for republicans, hopefully next time around there will be a change. Why isn't anyone running against some candidates in Queens?

Anonymous said...

Crowley ran unopposed, I wrote in my own name rather then vote for him.

Anonymous said...

"Why isn't anyone running against some candidates in Queens?"

Why aren't you?

Anonymous said...

"The GOP would have been better off with Haggerty than Ragusa"

How so? Haggerty's never had a plan. But since he'll be in charge next cycle, let's see if he put his money where his mouth is.

Anonymous said...

"How so? Haggerty's never had a plan. But since he'll be in charge next cycle, let's see if he put his money where his mouth is."

You really are disconnected. Haggerty is not the Queens GOP chairman, Robert Beltrani is.
Wise up!

Anonymous said...

The sheeple have spoken...four more years of shit in office. Cuomo is the biggest shit of them all! Thank all the third worlders that they allow to vote.

Anonymous said...

"You really are disconnected. Haggerty is not the Queens GOP chairman, Robert Beltrani is.
Wise up!"

Thanks for the late breaking news. I said NEXT CYCLE. Beltrani's not going to stay.

Anonymous said...

It was disgusting seeing Grace Meng running unopposed. You mean to tell me that in the most diverse neighborhood in the world, there is no one that could be a better alternative to this lady? She's useless.

Anonymous said...

Ron Kim worked for Parkside...some victory!

Anonymous said...

And we all will be getting it up the ass again!

You Serious? said...

Wow are you people angry, about what and why, I still have no idea.

Ms. Tsouris said...

I wrote in my husband rather than vote for do-nothing Grace Meng

Helen said...

I also voted for Mr. Astorino and when I came across a Democrat running unopposed on the ballot just didn't fill in the oval.

Middle Villager said...

You Serious?....We are angry that a bunch of filthy greedy self-serving bastards are running our government for their own personal gains. Any more questions?

JQ said...

I wrote in some of the regulars names here on the state senator,judges,and for meeks' seat in congress.

cuomo's gonna slip,I can feel it.

Anonymous said...

Joe Addabbo's done nothing for years. Idiots in his district should wise up. I didn't know the other guy but he's got to be much better than Clueless Joe.

Anonymous said...

Haggerty told the Dems how to knock off GOP petitions, by ratting out the flaws of people they once carried petitions with.

Anonymous said...

Addabbo's dad worked well with d'Amato

Anonymous said...

But Addabbo always "sponsors" things like BBQs, recycling, job fairs, health fairs.....all with our tax dollars.
Who's he kidding?

Anonymous said...

"Haggerty told the Dems how to knock off GOP petitions, by ratting out the flaws of people they once carried petitions with."

I'm pretty sure Crowely and Co. could handle that without Haggerty's assistance.

Anonymous said...

But Addabbo always "sponsors" things like BBQs, recycling, job fairs, health fairs.....all with our tax dollars. Who's he kidding?

That's how Addabbo appears to be working. BS recycling and job events attempts to mask the fact that he does NOTHING!!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks to FRACKING ,I am now paying $3.29 at the pump & #3.51 at my oil tank(with tank/svce contr.

because of over 1 million barrels a day of crude produced in the U.S, the world $$$ has dropped to $78-80 .


one must be nuts to cut their own throat and go bankrupt.

just wait till the I.P.A.B death panel /Obama board denies seniors/your parents a operation to save their lives, even with health insurance.

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