Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Crocheron Ave littered with out-of-state junk cars

"Here in Auburndale, (on Crocheron Ave near 172 Street) what we have is a growing problem of cars with Illinois license plates. All five cars are owned by the same person, all of the plates have expired stickers. One of the cars is immobile, so is permanently attached to another with a tow bar.

Not only are these cars an eyesore, they have created a parking nightmare, and obviously are uninsured.

The attached pictures are of the two attached vehicles, others can be provided.

Here's a list of license plates as well.

S864356 VW Bug
H883574 Chevrolet Suburban
H950596 Toyota Corolla Wagon
17277X Ford F350 Truck
A425936 VW Bus

Local police have been contacted many times, as well as 311, no one has done anything. The cars rarely move, seemingly just for street sweeping, and are quickly parked back in place.

Any help is appreciated, I have been a reader of your website for a long time.

Thank You." - anonymous


Anonymous said...

Send it to gridlock sam

Joe Moretti said...

"Local police have been contacted many times, as well as 311, no one has done anything."

Seems to be Queens motto, that and "We are aware."

Pretty fucking bad when blatant violations are ignored by police, just like ignoring trucks driving on residential streets.

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this city?

Anonymous said...

The 109 has a montlhy community meeting. Go on their facebook page or call them to find out where the next meeting will be. They are the second Wed of every month. It's a public forum where you can complain. If you bring the complaint there they will do something about because they don't want you showing up next month with the same complaint.

Anonymous said...

Here is the problem. Because the cars have license plates (even though expired) sanitation van not remove them as derelict. That means PD has to remove them using the rotation tow program.

This means a cop has to go out there sit for 45 minutes wait for a private tow company who is assigned to come and tow the car. Then the officer has to go back to the precinct and voucher the car in the computer. From start to finish this can take upwards of 2 hours for a car or two to be towed. Most supervisors do not want to waste limited manpower on doing this.

If you complain enough either community affairs or highway safety officer will come out and do it. However there are so many cars with bs expired plates and no plates PD can't keep up with it with the limited manpower available.

It sucks but that's the inside scoop on what's really going on.

Anonymous said...

They can be ticketed for not being moved ... Police will observe and then ticket. Go to the Precinct Council meeting and meet your Community Affairs Officers.

Anonymous said...

There's a car on 52nd Drive in Maspeth, Black Acura sedan, Maryland Plates 1BMK01, here since early September. Called 311, Captain of 104 precinct was told, Marge Markey's office has been called. Finally after it was reported to COMET, it was marked for towing. Last night the owner came out and cleaned off the marked tires. Guess it's going to be a permanent fixture.

Anonymous said...

109th Precinct Meeting Nov. 12th at St. Fidelis Church in College Point. Let your voices be heard.

Gary W said...

According to Chuck Schumer, those are just youngsters moving into this vibrant and diverse community

Embarce the suck

Anonymous said...

I live in the area and have noticed those cars for quite some time. Parking is challenging enough as it is. But God forbid if you park 1/4" in the crosswalk and get a $120 ticket from the meter maids!

David said...

Wow ... TruckNutz on the F350. Haven't seen that kind of class in awhile.

Joe said...

Grab a screwdriver & pliers and do the right thing.
Then keep your mouth shut.

The owner is likely waiting for for 30-90 day of state title processing to street flip them for $$$ on Craigslist.
We had this problem in Ridgewood.
Should somebody remove the plates. Or for an additional faster effect place a roller jack under the axle and push them in front a fire hydrant or out in street.
The city usually immediately impounds them and the owner will have a GREAT FUN FUN getting them out the pound without a title, registration and insurance.

Anonymous said...

Cashed in clunkers

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