Monday, November 10, 2014

The Grover Cleveland Athletic Field has seen better days

Several months ago, I walked past the Grover Cleveland Athletic Field at DeKalb & Seneca Aves in Ridgewood and noticed that the field had been ripped up. I figured it was in the middle of a capital project or regular maintenance. But lo and behold, all this time later, the artificial turf is still a mess and there's now real grass growing in the dirt sections of the field. I don't know what's up here, but it's a hot mess. The aerial shot of the property is hard on the eyes as well.


r185 said...

These artificial surfaces are a disaster. They're fine right up until there's a tear, or a spot wears through. I've yet to see the City replace or repair any after being damaged.

Anonymous said...

They are waiting for the hipsters to invade before fixing the field.

Anonymous said...

Crapper - i didnt know where to post this but here's another article about the homeless problem in NYC from the NY Times. it seems more people are coming from out of state to the shelter system here, why?!?! cant they stay in their own states?

Queens Crapper said...

Because NY gives away the most free shit and there's no residency requirement.

Anonymous said...

"Now the 44-year-old mother of three young children is homeless again,..."

Who and where are the fathers of the children? Why aren't they paying child support? Why a live in boyfriend when there are young children in the home?

Self control and personal responsibility are lost virtues in todays society.

Anonymous said...

Grover Cleveland is a crap school, do a crap field could be seen as fitting.

Anonymous said...

The tennis courts look like they're in good shape!

Anonymous said...

The field was ripped up after Hurricane Sandy. The Department of Education has granted funds to redo the entire field. Other schools such as Newtown HS, Forest Hills, Franklin K. Lane had their fields redone in the past 10 years. Now it is Grover Cleveland's turn. Demolition should begin in the Spring and will be completed by 2016. In addition, to the post claiming Grover Cleveland is a "crap school"...It may not be the most prestigious school in NYC but it is a decent neighborhood high school that does its best to educate the students that enter Grover Cleveland's doors.

Anonymous said...

Why was it ripped up after Sandy? There was little to no damage in the area from Sandy.

Anonymous said...

"It may not be the most prestigious school in NYC but it is a decent neighborhood high school that does its best to educate the students that enter Grover Cleveland's doors."

Who cares if you do "your best" if "your best" isn't good enough?

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