Saturday, November 22, 2014

Subways will stay crowded

From NBC:

If you take the subway to get to work, you’ve noticed it: the MTA says subways are more crowded than they’ve ever been, and even as a fare hike is being proposed, the MTA says there’s nothing they can do about the overstuffed trains. Andrew Siff explains why.


Anonymous said...

More crowded and also, many annoying delays. Yesterday at 8:15am, I was on a downtown 4 train that sat at 59th street for TWENTY MINUTES. Why? We were told that a train at 103rd St. had it's emergency brake on, that's why! We've got some real brainiacs running the trains.

Anonymous said...

You can't really blame the MTA for some moron who thinks it's funny to pull the emergency brake for no reason. The MTA doesn't know it is a false alarm and has to extensively check the roadbed in case God forbid, someone fell in between the cars and/or under the train. Anyway, the topic being discussed was crowded trains....

JQ said...

where those gears and levers I saw?
and the lite brite board that tracks the lines?

so the MTA thought that making WIFI access in the subway was more important,these braniacs have less sense than the crew that almost drilled the F train at LIC a few weeks ago.

and what's more to say about the complaints.For once I agree with the worst transit system in the world,suffer and adapt or die.

of course the commissioner with his tonedeaf suggestion that people should find another route,like millions of others won't do that and his irresponsible advice for commuters to make arrangements with their employers,who may end up not taking the train at all if they're fired.

Anonymous said...

Want less crowded trains? Most expensive subway in the world: SAS. Second most expensive subway in the world: 7 line ext.

~75% of cost overruns on ESA are in the cavern. Maybe running trains into GC proper would have made more sense. It would have maxed out at 18-21 tph instead of 24, and cut a couple 8-9am GC slots, but for billions less and would have been done by now.

Operations are a mess too. Cost per vehicle hour is much higher than other large metro systems.

Stop using the MTA as a piggy bank for unions and contractors and you could build some relief lines and upgrade the signals to run more trains.

Anonymous said...

Fare hikes are needed to pay the high salaries. I have a friend who drives the train and she brings home around $90,000 a year and this includes overtime. MTA will keep cutting service and raising the fare.

Anonymous said...

Does that 90k include the value of pension and other retirement benefits?

Anonymous said...

There's too many fucking people in the city!! You can't put 5 quarts into a gallon container!!!

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