Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Paul Vallone's year in review

Front page story: Vallone brings back historic budget. Actually, the council's rules were changed, so everyone got the same-sized slice of budget pie with adjustments based on poverty level. Vallone's district is one of the wealthier ones, so he actually got a smaller amount of funding than many other council members.
At least he included something useful in this taxpayer funded waste of paper. The rest can be used as a bird cage liner.
(Click for larger version)

Now here is what he's really been up to: Sponsoring a handful of meaningless resolutions and not getting any of his 9 introductions passed. What a legislator!


Anonymous said...

I saw him many times, doing nothing.

I'm glad you basically translated his newsletter because most people can't read and will see all those photos and think wow our councilman is great but once you actually read his LIES like the one you pointed out about securing the money which every councilman received it really shows what a liar he is.

Anonymous said...

Why is this so strange? don't the other councilmembers also promote themselves shamelessly?

Anonymous said...

Will read this in the Western Queens Gazette which covers THIS Vallone to give the impression that THE Vallone is still in office.


Jerry Rotondi said...

I have said it before and I will repeat it again... VALLONEY BALONEY? And I am not afraid of signing my name to encourage the wrath of Paulo!

Anonymous said...

This newsletter is a joke.

Beyond the fact that he held an "Aging Town Hall" meeting, which is terrible, terrible grammar to begin with, I love the fact that the thing that is most mentioned - on three of the four flimsy pages of information - is the rebirth of the "Children's Winter Parade."

This kind of drivel is typical of Vallone, who tries to promote some superficial sheen of wholesome family-oriented "Leave it to Beaver"-type of events in the hope that the residents of northeast Queens don't see the reality: Paul Vallone isn't doing anything for his district and can't get a single bill or resolution - such as they are - passed at the City Council.

Way to go, District 19. You voted yourself a real winner. Hope you wake up and vote him out in 2017.

Anonymous said...

I love reading The Stinky Report. Very informative.

Anonymous said...

This kind of drivel is typical of Vallone, who tries to promote some superficial sheen of wholesome family-oriented "Leave it to Beaver"-type of events in the hope that the residents of northeast Queens don't see the reality.

It works in Astoria and East Elmhurst. But then, again, there is that adage about who is, and is not, the sharpest knife in the drawer. After walking around seeing what the locals did to Old Astoria I don't know any community that has such a low image of itself, or makes such poor decisions on its future.

Anonymous said...

Crapper's valid criticisms aside, I've got news for you all: Paul Vallone is one of the few voices of reason on a largely insane City Council. He and the three Republicans are the only ones trying to thwart the anti-cop, anti-business, anti-common sense left-wing majority there. If you don't know this, you are simply uninformed.

As for Leave it to Beaver events like the parade, another news flash: there are still some regular people left in Queens who appreciate these things, even if it shouldn't have to be a lawmaker who's behind them. I thought some of those people were among the posters here. Maybe not. Maybe you're all just a bunch of hipsters, leftists and illegal aliens after all.

Or maybe you're just blinded by your hatred of all things Vallone. Go ahead, go vote for more socialists and see what that does to your neighborhood. Fools.

Anonymous said...

Crapper's valid criticisms aside, I've got news for you all: Paul Vallone is one of the few voices of reason on a largely insane City Council. He and the three Republicans are the only ones trying to thwart the anti-cop, anti-business, anti-common sense left-wing majority there. If you don't know this, you are simply uninformed.

As for Leave it to Beaver events like the parade, another news flash: there are still some regular people left in Queens who appreciate these things, even if it shouldn't have to be a lawmaker who's behind them. I thought some of those people were among the posters here. Maybe not. Maybe you're all just a bunch of hipsters, leftists and illegal aliens after all.

Or maybe you're just blinded by your hatred of all things Vallone. Go ahead, go vote for more socialists and see what that does to your neighborhood. Fools.


Your statements don't make any sense at all. No one on this post has mentioned anything about "left-wing" or "socialist" or anything else to that effect.

The fact is that Vallone has been, so far, a lousy Councilmember. It's a fact.

Vallone's constituent services are much, much worse than Halloran's were. He shows up for five minutes at an event and then makes an excuse that he has to go to his daughter's soccer game/concert/party and disappears.

His staffers are rude and inappropriate, showing up to constituent meetings in jeans and T-shirts, sometimes not very clean clothing as well. Follow-up on issues brought to their attention is nearly non-existent.

His legislation - or lack thereof - speaks for itself. His votes on the City Council are out of step in his own district, let alone in the rest of the city.

That terrible newsletter is just a symptom of all of this: nothing real done, nothing real to say.

Remember, this is the guy who is claiming that "he" brought back more money to the district than anyone else - solely because of the "socialist" Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who decided that every Councilmember would bring home the bacon at the same level, instead of the punitive behavior of Christine Quinn, who rewarded her buddies and fucked everyone else.

It's typical of the legacy of the Vallone family, which has spent decades enriching themselves by selling out and dismembering the communities they represented. There's a reason Astoria has become horribly overdeveloped, and it ain't by accident.

Let's hope that someone better beats him in 2017, as we're scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.

'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

My statements make perfect sense. You just address different issues.

No, no one brought up how leftist the City Council is. I did. Why not point out that Vallone is one of the few voices standing against the majority's insanity?

Maybe he is lousy in the ways you cite. I don't know and don't claim to know about his constituent services or staffers. I was addressing his positions on city-wide issues. He's a freshman who's not in line with the majority. If you prefer their approach to policing, business, illegal aliens, education and the rest, great. I don't and many others don't.

As for the member item money, my statement about "Crapper's valid criticisms aside" acknowledged that point.

I don't know why you put quotes around socialist in describing the speaker; she absolutely is one and is proud of it, regardless of making the right move on the member items. That's about the only right thing she's done, at least among major things that get reported. Like the mayor, she's a Castroist.

If there's someone better in 2017, great. Meanwhile I'd rather see Vallone there than another Mark-Viverito rubber stamp dreaming up new ways to hurt cops, business people and Queens' old-time residents.

Anonymous said...

This guy is complaining that a staffer is showing up in jeans to an informal community meeting... Really? Really? I guess they should show up to tuxedos. Unbelievable what people complain about these days.

Anonymous said...

I have seen everyone's beloved Paul Graziano, who BTW has disappeared off the face of the earth... Mr. bigtime civic leader, wearing jeans to every single meeting I've ever been to. I've also seen him go to debates in jeans...

Christina Wilkinson said...

When the hacks start posting, it gets really entertaining. Someone sounds a bit desperate.

A) Paul Graziano hasn't disappeared at all (has been to numerous civic & CB meetings and is on the Executive Board of BHS). He's been working on various land use projects across the region.

B) Graziano is also not a paid, salaried staffer going to public and civic meetings representing an elected official.

C) Paul G. wore a suit to every debate last year - and showed up to all of them, unlike Vallone, who made up a lie about making funeral arrangements for a family friend instead of attending an extremely well-attended debate about preservation issues in the 19th CD. In fact, he was caught red-handed campaigning at the Bay Terrace Shopping Center dodging questions from residents of the council district which is about as disrespectful as it gets.

Anonymous said...

And let's kick this up a notch. What has Paulie V been doing behind closed doors with developers? Making upzoning deals for contaminated sites? Rumor has it...

Anonymous said...

Crapper's valid criticisms aside, I've got news for you all: Paul Vallone is one of the few voices of reason on a largely insane City Council. He and the three Republicans are the only ones trying to thwart the anti-cop, anti-business, anti-common sense left-wing majority there. If you don't know this, you are simply uninformed.

Anonymous, clearly you know Stinky Vallone well. You must also know about ALL THE LYING HE DOES. HE LIES SOOOOO MUCH. Anyone who has ever heard him speak knows how badly he lies. How can you defend him?? I'm sure he's lied to you.

Wake up and smell the truth!

Anonymous said...

Why does anonymous drag Paul Graziano into this?

Atleast Paul G. knows his facts and has been the best civic for this community for 20 years.

If it wasn't for Paul Graziano we would have no single family homes and no quality of life. He has done more for District 19 as a volunteer than Stinky.

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