Sunday, November 9, 2014

Forest Park paths have some major problems

From DNA Info:

Nature lovers and joggers who frequent Forest Park say that the sidewalk and the main path in the park are so rundown that they pose a safety hazard.

“It’s horrendous,” said Ed Wendell of the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association, who goes to the park regularly.

The cracks and holes in the sidewalk along the main path in the park are occasionally patched, but the path requires major repairs, residents said.

“Almost the entire thing needs to be replaced,” said Wendell. “It’s broken and it’s dangerous.”

Wendell said that recently he took “two nasty falls in Forest Park.”

Last year, he said, he tripped on a cracked sidewalk, and a few weeks ago, he slipped on loose gravel.

You gotta love this town. The health dept tells you to walk and bike for exercise, but the transportation dept lets you fall in a hole while you're doing it.


JQ said...

forest park is the bastard stepchild of all the parks in NYC
venture to park lane south and go out for a nice walk and encounter the sidewalks there,if there isn't mutilated concrete,steep cracks and craters,there are raised slabs from the roots of trees.

this has been like this for decades,counting the photo and myrtle avenue to add with the black hole darkness when the sun goes down and before sunrise.

where are the friends of the queensway people?Didn't they have their little announcement around here a month or two ago?who love "green space" so much,do a little tour and get their funds together for a little charity to help fixing up these "queensways".

I challenge senator chuckie cheese to go for a ride here.

Anonymous said...

Most of the infrastructure in this city has reached the end of its serviceable life. The city is not putting nearly enough money into upkeep and refurbishment of our roadways, parks, and municipal buildings, and they will continue to crumble. Its unfortunate but no one seems concerned by this.

The biggest concern of society and our politicians today is making sure everything is vibrant and diverse, and making sure illegal immigrants and people taking advantage of our welfare system get every possible penny.

Anonymous said...

What about the Motor Parkway in Alley Pond Park. Queens.

It's a shame that the city doesn't care about our parks.

Anonymous said...

Most of the infrastructure in this city has reached the end of its serviceable life. The city is not putting nearly enough money into upkeep and refurbishment of our roadways, parks, and municipal buildings, and they will continue to crumble. Its unfortunate but no one seems concerned by this.

The biggest concern of society and our politicians today is making sure everything is vibrant and diverse, and making sure illegal immigrants and people taking advantage of our welfare system get every possible penny

Wow, you took the words right out of my mouth. Wake up New Yorkers and start complaining

Anonymous said...

Money is always available for bike lanes, not so for basic maintenance of Queens parks. And some folks are fighting for a Queensway? Let's maintain the parks we have first.

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