Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Why Jamaica is the way it is

From Cleanup Jamaica Queens:

With a primary coming soon, September 9th, it is a really good time to start exposing the Jamaica leaders for who they really are and why our community is never improving. There will be more to come in the passing days.

Some things never change, no matter how bad or corrupt, especially with Jamaica/South East Queens majorly dirty politics and the residents of Jamaica who are being played by these snake oil salesman who have been entrenched in this dirty system that to this day plagues Jamaica, like all the garbage everywhere, and serves only the players and the hell with the community and the residents.

Ever wonder why Jamaica for decades has been kept down in the dumps, all one needs to do is look at past and present players, many who are the same names year after year, decade after decade. It is a game of corrupt musical chairs to keep the same culprits deep in the system. The late great and feisty Jamaica assembly woman, Cynthia Jenkins (1st black woman elected to public office in South East Queens and more about her latter on, READ UP ON HER) who battled the Queens County Democratic machine constantly said of South East Queens politics, “It is “plantation politics”, which to this day still continues in all forms of government, but especially here in Jamaica by the same names from decades ago to the present. Names like Archie Spigner, Leroy Comrie, Helen Marshall, Malcolm Smith, Gregory Meeks, William Scarborough Joan Flowers and Rev. Floyd Flake. Speaking for a long time with Ms. Jenkins' son, Rev. Joe Jenkins, he filled me in on the history of this corrupt system, since this was way before my time here in Jamaica. And boy does he have stories, that our leaders would not like to be brought up in this era of “selective memory”.

Take this quote I came across:

“A plantation. Black people in the worst jobs. The worst housing. Police brutality rampant. But when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we’d all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket. Sell our soul for a Christmas turkey.”

This is a strategy of keeping blacks poor, angry, uneducated, sheep, victims and voting for Democrats or whomever, who end up never giving a shit about them, just like our Jamaica leaders. They count on this and they do not want smart, intelligent, educated and politically conscience people voting, because they want to bring in their sheep to vote for them, which is exactly what Rev. Flake and some other church leaders do to control the system. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.


Anonymous said...

Political Thuggery is why Jamaica is Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

Would love to hear some of those stories. Especially the stories that include Vivien Cook.

Anonymous said...

Guy R. Brewer's name was left out of this political rant. He must have been one of the good elected officials in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

Jamaica is crap because its people are crap, both the constituents and the electeds.

Anonymous said...

You don't understand the mindset. It doesn't bother certain blacks if their elected officials are corrupt . As long as the pols throw the elctorate a small bone, it's all good.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

You don't understand the mindset. It doesn't bother certain blacks if their elected officials are corrupt . As long as the pols throw the elctorate a small bone, it's all good.

That is just plain bullshit ignorance. This has to do with crooked elected officials hard at work rigging the game. Sure it does not help if voters are apathetic, but voters all over Queens and elsewhere are apathetic, misinformed or stupid.
How the hell did you think this country got another term of George "the idiot" Bush.

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