Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Leaf blowers create a cacophony

"This might be a little off topic but the noise pollution from these things is totally out-of-control all over Queens – and now I read that they’re bad for the environment, people and animals. We need to ban them!

Modern Pestilence: Leaf Blowers Generate Infuriating Noise, Toxic Gases and Hazardous Dust

Thanks Crappy!


Flooshing Rezident"


Anonymous said...

I agree. Switching to battery operated ones would help curb the local pollution and noise. I always see the lawn men blow there debris into the street or across when they think no one is watching.

r185 said...

Whatever happened to rakes?

Anonymous said...

Never mind soil erosion!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, they're hateful. But good luck getting these guys to give up their noisy phallic symbols and go back to rakes.

Anonymous said...

This points to a serious environmental issue that is NOT addressed outside of the hallowed neighborhoods (Billyburg et al.): NOISE. Pregnant women regularly exposed to high noise levels are at increased risk of delivering children with behaviour problems, ranging from emotional disturbance to autism: kids are wired to tune out. This effect persists right through adolescence... then thees the high blood pressure etc. adult experience. But try to get enforcement!

Anonymous said...

What is the purpose of a leaf blower? it just moves the leaves from one side of the street to the other, or just disperses them. But the leaves are not removed, are they?

Anonymous said...

It's all about holding something that sounds likes it's powerful and it certainly makes a lot of noise -- so much that you must wear ear protection -- but God help those around you.

And when it's all done: The leaves are not collected and blow around the place all over again -- so it's as if you were never there -- but you got paid and that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

The dust that is put into the air from blowers is a worse and longer term problem. This dust triggers allergies and astma. Some of the particulates stay in the air and cause long term air pollution. I get air quality emails from airnow.gov Many days this year particulate polluion in nyc has been elevated. Other particle settle on cars and buildings. Particles settling on plants clogg leaf pores. Some blower operators have no regard for the people in the vicinity. The manuals even say not to blow in the direction of people or animals.

Anonymous said...

I live on Astoria and they started doing this every morning in the municipal parking! I have no idea why ? there are no leaves in the parking lot, They already have another guy sweeping !
and then there is the noise factor!
Crappy , where do we complain? 311?

Anonymous said...

Sideshow Bob outlawed rakes when he was part of Community Board 4 in the late 2000s.

We're Queens - We Can't Have Nice Things said...

If you want to affect change you must do something about it!

Everyone should email this post to Tony Avella (avella@nysenate.gov) and post it to his FB page - www.facebook.com/tonyavellaforNewYork

He's the only politician that gets anything done in NYC!

Anonymous said...

Coming summer that's the only part I really hate, leaf blowers, noise all over the place, since thy use a mix of oil and gasoline they smell really bad and for sure that's harmful to your health. When you encounter them dust get in your eyes and a given saturday morning when you are in the best of your sleeping you get suddenly awaken by these guys. Do they really have to come every week to do this?
They need to get banned out of our neighborhood for good.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

It's all about holding something that sounds likes it's powerful and it certainly makes a lot of noise -- so much that you must wear ear protection -- but God help those around you.

And when it's all done: The leaves are not collected and blow around the place all over again -- so it's as if you were never there -- but you got paid and that's all that matters."

This is a dead-on, perfect metaphor for our overpaid, part-time New York State Government. - Andrew

Anonymous said...

I really have to say that when people here use phrases like "Flooshing Rezident" I really have no respect for their opinion, regardless of whether I agree with them. If you can't respect the name of your town, or proper spelling, why should the "diverse" new residents have respect for it. Shameful. Rise above.

D C Lane said...

Hah...I never see any one cleaning their own propeties with a broom and a rake any more.They hire contractors to come in with these blowers that leak gas and create pollution that gets into our homes and lungs. On my block I can have 2 or 3 different companies come through out the day, every day making it impossible to sit outside and enjoy the weather. These workers could care less about beautifying our neighborhood or the damage they cause

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