Tuesday, September 2, 2014

State Senate candidates at Bay Terrace forum

[Note: In this video, John Liu directly addresses the investigation and conviction of his former treasurer Jenny Hou, and his unpaid fines for posting illegal campaign posters.]

Video of Candidates Forum held August 26, 2014 by Bay Terrace Community Alliance, moderated by Warren Schreiber and Phil Konigsberg. © 2014 LoScalzo Media Design LLC. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

Sunday's misleading NY Times endorsement of Liu stated that he advocates Campaign Finance reforms, implying that Avella does not.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that one of the moderators also happens to be working on Liu's campaign

Anonymous said...

"... one of the moderators also happens to be working on Liu's campaign"

And who is that?

Anonymous said...

Per previous QueensCrap article and photo: "Warren Schreiber is not only the president of Bay Terrace, but he's also an employee of Paul Vallone and endorsed and is actively campaigning for John Liu."

Indeed, Liu announced his candidacy with Schreiber standing right over his shoulder.


Anonymous said...

If Avella gets beat by Liu the turd he didn't deserve the office.

Anonymous said...

Both moderators are supporting the Liu candidacy, but much to their credit were fair and impartial.

Anonymous said...

and? How much did john liu take from developers and straw donors?

Anonymous said...

Lui better not win. It wouldn't surprise me though consider we have so many third worlders voting these days.

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty pathetic that John Liu's campaign manager is posting about Tony's donations considering he had no problem with developer money (and apparently neither did the people of northeastern Queens) when Paul Vallone was accepting it hand over fist.

Anonymous said...

If Avella gets beat by Liu....
You seriously think Vallone deserves to be in office???
He got elected because he used big stupid words like Reclaim Respect and all the flushing fools bought into it.

Tony Avella has done so much already. He has passed important laws and rezoned so much of the district. He is a warrior for the people.

Vallone has done a lot as well.... For the people who donated to his campaign.

If Avella doesn't win it will be the beginning of the end of our beautiful neighborhoods Hello huge buildings and no parking.

Anonymous said...

The large donations are from guys who really hate John Liu. They aren't connected to REBNY at all.

Anonymous said...

the "day care center ,now opening at 196_29 42 Ave.,Auburndale /Bayside squeezed into the residential area at F.Lewis Blvd.is owned by Liu's former landlord of Liu's office on Flushing ,Main St.
C.P.B 11 disapproved the lot for this purpose ,but BSA overruled the planning board. it will seat 250 4-5 year olds in a basement and sub-basement, with no P/U or D/O capability. playspace is on the roof. what a scream for neighbors who work the night shift...

whodid the owner donate to ,why J.Lui ,of course.

Anonymous said...

P/Us? D/Os? There are probably a lot of reasons to oppose this center. But because of people on night shifts? By that reasoning, everyone else in the neighborhood should walk around on tiptoes and talk in hished tones.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the typo. I meant "hushed," of course. My error.

Anonymous said...

#14/15 one does not care about your typos.it is the content of your comment that is of importance.

d/o's/p/u's =drop offs /pick ups.

250 plus cars each day at that intersection should be a hazard to motorists and pedestrians. the double parking waiting for the children will be a nightmare.

a PS 130 pupil was killed there years ago. that is why the turn from F.L.Blvd was blocked off.

stay tuned ....

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 16:

If you stop abbreviating, one will understand and care more about what you have to say. It's called writing in real English.

Anonymous said...


put that in your smoke and pipe it...

#17 said...


Get the saying right and don't abbreviate. Guaranteed that a bunch of people don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about.

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