Friday, September 5, 2014

School scaffold up prematurely

From the Queens Courier:

As a new school year starts, students at a Bayside elementary school will find their school shrouded in scaffolding and mesh for a building project that doesn’t yet exist, according to city officials.

The city put the scaffolding up last school year at P.S. 162, according to a DOE spokeswoman, who said the project is still in its planning stage and designs for the project haven’t been made.

The K-5 school, which was built in 1936, was chosen for an “exterior modernization project” that would replace and repair the roof, parapets, windows and exterior masonry.


Anonymous said...

And it will remain there 10 years after the work is completed.

We're Queens - We Can't Have Nice Things said...

These scaffolds are RENTED!!!!

Taxpayers are supporting some construction criminal who has bribed a NYC official!

Anonymous said...

is P.S.162 located in Bayside or Flushing ?it might be Dist.25.

in 1981 the Bd. of Ed. deemed P.S 130 the most repair needy P.S. in dist.26. that was the BIG LIE to close it to save $100,000. per year.its enrollment was 400 then. today its enrollment is 350 ,all bused in pupils from tw0 programs from the boro of queens.

the local walking pupils are bused away one mile.

the solution for an overcrowded dist. is to build another P.S. near P.S. 31 in Bayside.
they have no common sense ,but when did progressive dems ever do anything sensical. it is only the citizens $$$$$$.

whats left in your wallet this month,after you pay your school/property tax to the progressive city "LEADERS".?

Anonymous said...

Call Paul Vallone....oh...nevermind

Anonymous said...

PS 162 is in Bayside, District 26It is a horrible school which my children had the misfortune to attend several years ago. Many of the kids are from out of district and the principal encourages this. Many of the kids "had two addresses" when asked where they lived. I don't understand this article at all. I live near there and there have been workman there every day all summer long along with equipment. They pull up in the morning and you can see them outside at various times of the day. What have they been doing inside all summer if the project hasn't started yet?

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