Monday, September 8, 2014

Liu campaign falsified resident's signature on mailer

From the Queens Chronicle:

A Douglaston resident claims his name, address and a false signature that is not his were wrongly included in a letter supporting John Liu sent out by the candidate's campaign team last week.

Liu is running a primary race to unseat state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) in the 11th District in northern and northeastern Queens. Avella is a maverick member of the Independent Democratic Conference and Liu a former city councilman and comptroller supported by the party establishment.

Last week some residents in the district received "An Open Letter to Our Neighbors in Little Neck and Douglaston" promoting Liu's candidacy and touting his support for middle-class families. The letter says it was paid for by the John Liu Senate Election Committee and is signed by former Rep. Gary Ackerman, Rep. Grace Meng (D-Flushing), Borough President Melinda Katz and City Councilman Paul Vallone (D-Bayside) — as well as nine area residents.

But one of the residents listed on the letter, Joshua Block, says the signature is not his and that he knew nothing of the missive until he opened it last Thursday.

"I wasn't involved in drafting it. I knew nothing about it. I didn't sign it," Block said in an email. "Nobody asked me to be a part of it, and I'm no way committed to voting for Liu. I was absolutely shocked to see my name at the bottom."

Variations of the letter were sent all over the district. There may be other victims.


Anonymous said...


georgetheatheist said...

Liu is a scumbag.

Anonymous said...

Where is the FBI? The investigation should continue. Convicting Jenny and Oliver is just the tip of the iceberg! Then there is Chuck he innocent or getting his perks?

Anonymous said...

Let us call it what it is the Liu crime family and his election fraud syndicate.

Anonymous said...

What about Lung Fong Chen and daddy Joseph Liu of the nefarious Seven Giants realty cabal connected to Tommy Huang?

Anonymous said...

The Chuck Appeluan is some campaign manager. What a bunch of bumbling idiots. When will the long arm of the law finally reach these nincompoops?

Anonymous said...

County Democrats control the Board of Elections and the polling places appointees, so they'll make sure that Liu wins.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Liu
The FBI needs to investigate this situation.

Anonymous said...

I congratulate the resident who had the guts to stand up and speak the truth.

It's the only way to keep these sneaky greedy politicians in line.

Has John Liu's camp made any comments about this forgery?

Who is going to get thrown under the bus this time??

JQ said...

I fear for the residents of bayside and the rest of northeast queens.This mailer may seem like incompetence but it reeks more of hubris.Liu and his minions with the backing of the establishment idiocrats act like they own these seats.And if Cuomo gets the nod,you can forget about any subpeonas or warrants for these blatantly corrupt subhumans

prove them wrong

Anonymous said...

John F-Liu to you.

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...Liu is a scumbag

and a dirt bag, douche bag, grab bag, air bag, bag-man, bag-of-tricks, bag boy, bagdad, bagatelle, bagworm, barf bag, bum bag and dick bag.

Anonymous said...

County Democrats and County Republicans control the Board of Elections, Anon No. 7. If you want to call those guys corrupt as well, I won't argue the point. But it's a shared path to dishonesty.

Anonymous said...

#12"G THE A and possibly a BOLSHEVEK, according to the Falun Gong.

R.I.P.BOB GRANT he warned us for 45 years.

Anonymous said...

He's too greedy to be a Bolshevik, Gramps. I don't think that he has any politics - just goes where the money is.

Anonymous said...

I thought all the Queens weaklies were tools of the party that would never do a negative story on Liu just before the vote.

Guess not.


Anonymous said...

Yeah well the Times Ledger squelched the story about John Liu pretending that he planned to fight his fines in court. He's not. He just won't pay them and has lied the entire time. You may see the story this Thursday - after the election. So yeah, most weeklies wouldn't touch a Machine candidate with a 10 foot pole.

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