Saturday, September 6, 2014

Katz releases strategic policy statement

September 4, 2014

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope all is well with you and that you’ve had a wonderful summer. As school begins for the hundreds of thousands of children around the Borough, I dropped my son off, as well, on his first day of public school. Mother and son were both very excited!

I also wanted to take this opportunity to pass along exciting news for the Borough of Queens. Every four years the City’s five borough presidents each prepare Strategic Policy Statements that summarize the most significant long-term challenges faced by our Boroughs, the policy goals related to these challenges and the proposed strategies for addressing these issues.

My office’s Strategic Policy Statement was submitted to the Mayor’s Office and the City Council. Highlights from this 138-page document organized under eighteen policy areas include discussions about:

· Rockaway Ferry: The need to fund permanent Rockaway Ferry service to allow greater access to the peninsula and to provide Queens with an additional mass transit option;

· Immigrants and Intercultural Services: Helping new immigrants by making services available in multiple languages and improving outreach so that culturally sensitive programming can be made available to all immigrant groups;

· Tourism: My pledge to continue to promote Queens (“The World’s Borough”) as a major tourist destination with top-level attractions;

· Economic Development: The need to encourage economic development by facilitating job training, welcoming start-up businesses, encouraging new technologies and helping small business owners navigate City regulations and take advantage of government procurement opportunities;

· Housing: My commitment to address the impact of the housing shortage by securing additional funds for housing assistance and working to improve the enforcement of rules aimed at deterring people from creating illegal and substandard apartments;

· Zoning: A continuing need to contextually rezone Queens neighborhoods to preserve their existing characters and to allow increased density only in appropriate locations where new housing should be developed;

· Education: The need to solve overcrowding in Queens schools by convening the Queens Borough President’s Education War Room, a monthly meeting that brings the School Construction Authority and school superintendents together with my office to identify ways to reduce overcrowding and address other problems that can hinder our children’s education;

· Parks: The importance of making sure Queens parks are adequately funded, upgraded and accessible for all to enjoy;

· Public Safety: My support for a plan to improve police response times by creating a new police precinct that would serve part of the area now served by the 105th Precinct in eastern Queens.

The Office of the Queens Borough President is dedicated to making sure Queens is the best possible place to live, work and visit. This Strategic Policy Statement will guide our efforts to achieve these goals.

I invite you to read the entire document linked here. I also look forward to working with you over the weeks, months and years ahead as we strive to achieve our collective objectives on behalf of the people of “The World’s Borough.”


Melinda Katz
Borough of Queens


Anonymous said...

There has been talk of cuttinng the 105ct in half since 1980, Coterminalityy made it worse in 1984,ain't gonna happen this mayor does not like the Police and will not increase their budget. Even though the dc37 local won a suit to hire more civilians in the P D, he,like bloomberg refuse to heed the court order.

Anonymous said...

Immigrants and Intercultural Services: Helping new immigrants by making services available in multiple languages and improving outreach so that culturally sensitive programming can be made available to all immigrant groups;

Whatever happened to assimilation? You know, immigrants adjusting to the way of life and the culture of their new nation instead of bringing their worn out and tired ways into our society and demanding that we adjust to them.

When in Rome...

Anonymous said...

So why do we have a city Council?

Joe Moretti said...

"Zoning: A continuing need to contextually rezone Queens neighborhoods to preserve their existing characters."


I think the boat sailed on that one years ago. Just look at the damage that has already been done. Politicians, as usual, behind the fucking curve, way behind.

Good point above about the immigrant issue.

Anonymous said...

Zoning - Most of Queens was re-zoned a few years ago. It took City Planning, elected officials and the civics hours and hours of hard work to come up with the plan. Stay away from the zoning. That study has been done.

Don't touch the zoning.

Middle Villager said...

If Katz wants "to identity ways to reduce overcrowding" in Queens schools "to preserve their existing character" of Queens neighborhoods she should jump at the chance to get a new school campus at the sight of the proposed homeless depot in Glendale. She has been very quiet about this issue. Quess she does not want to rock the boat. Please remember to thank her and all our wonderful politicians the next time they run for office.

Anonymous said...

Parks, schools, and public safety are priorities for government. But does Katz have any power over them?

The rest of the items on the list are special interests.

As for assimilation, we don't expect the former residents of Mumbai, Manilla, Shanghai, and Mexico City to adopt to the culture and language of Queens 30 years ago, we expect the American-born residents of Queens to be assimilated into a fusion of Mumbai, Manilla, Shanghai, and Mexico City and lose their unique American identity.

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