Wednesday, September 3, 2014

John Liu's questionable filings

"I was looking at John Liu's filings and I noticed something weird with regard to Chuck Apelian. Chuck's occupation is listed as a Sales Executive at Irene Hermann Incorporated/Prestone Printing.

If you notice, the corporation and Chuck have the same address. The biggest question is why is the corporation getting $5K for consulting twice when it's a printing company?

Irene Hermann Incorporated got $5,000 for consulting on July 21st and the address is 145-30 29 Road which is Chuck's address.

On August 11th, "Irene Hermann Incorporated" was reimbursed $420 for buttons and it's Chuck's home address again.

Then 7 days later, Chuck gets reimbursed over a thousand dollars for office supplies at the same address.

On August 21st, Irene Hermann Incorporated got $5,000 for consulting fees.

I am confused who exists at 145-30 29th Road, Chuck or the corporation or both? This is a single family home." - Sad about the state of Queens

(Ha! And the Vice Chair of Queens CB7 running a political campaign isn't a conflict-of-interest or anything.)

But wait, that's not all! Let's see who else Johnny has on his payroll:
Sharon Lee, who agreed to turn state's evidence against Jenny Hou and Oliver Pan in return for immunity.
Chung Seto, who ran his shady campaign - and his office as an unpaid staffer - a conflict of interest.
Mei Hua Ru, a former aide to John, who likes using mafia terms.

But I'm sure John Liu would bring a breath of fresh air to Albany if elected...


Anonymous said...

State campaign finance laws are so weak, that no questions will be asked about the legality of his filings.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised that two morally bankrupt individuals like Liu and Apelian have hooked up?

We're Queens - We Can't Have Nice Things said...

Who would be the right person to investigate this?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, looks like enough suckers will vote for Liu.

Anonymous said...

Why does it look that way? There are not many Asians that district and most whites can't stand him.

Anonymous said...

Why does it look that way? There are not many Asians that district and most whites can't stand him.

Because not everyone votes along racial lines; they vote how county tells them to vote.

Anonymous said...

Not likely in that district.

Anonymous said...

Not every Asian will vote for Liu - for example, my wife will be voting for Avella. She has even told the Liu campaign people to stop coming to our door to ask for support - we had previously told them that we support Tony Avella and to cross us off their lists. But that's like talking to the Great Wall...

Anonymous said...

Why does it look that way? There are not many Asians that district and most whites can't stand him.


You do realize that the southern part of the district is all south Asian, right? Little Neck, Douglaston and Bayside, 30-40% Asian. In a low turnout election, demographics play a huge role.

Anonymous said...

Why does it look that way? There are not many Asians that district and most whites can't stand him.


You do realize that the southern part of the district is all south Asian, right? Little Neck, Douglaston and Bayside, 30-40% Asian. In a low turnout election, demographics play a huge role.


There are 99,000 enrolled Democrats in State Senate District 11.

52% are Non-Hispanic Caucasian, 24% are Asian-American and 24% are African-American and Hispanic.

Turnout is expected to be low; however, some important numbers:

In the Democratic Party, the Chinese vote is 1/4 of the Asian vote, or 6%. Similarly, the Korean vote is also 6%, while the South Asian vote (Indian, Pakistani, Bangledeshi) is 12%.

Liu has the backing of much of the Chinese vote, but only a portion of the Korean and South Asian vote - Avella is doing quite well in those communities.

As for the Non-Hispanic Caucasian vote, Avella will do quite well (with the exception of the clubhouse / machine voters).

Basically, this is Avella's race to lose - it's all about turning out his base, which is substantial in this district.

Anonymous said...

What makes you think they're voting for Liu?

Anonymous said...

Avella has produced a lot of pro southeast asian legislation, such as the religious corporations bill and proposed that public schools recognize Eid and provide halal food choices. So the Southeast Asian vote could go either way. All John Liu has to offer them is "identifying with the immigrant strife" because I'm sure his well off middle class upbringing is completely relatable.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone answer the Chuck Apelian questions? Is he a consultant or is Red Horse running the show?

Anonymous said...

Apelian is the campaign manager.

Anonymous said...

You all seem to like Avella a lot more than Liu, but how many of you folks have actually bothered to do anything to make sure liu doesnt get elected? Have ANY of you knocked on doors in your neighborhood to explain how important this election is? Have any of you gone to tony's office to spend a couple hours volunteering? do you have a lawnsign? Have you agreed to help turn your neighbors out to vote on the 9th? Stop complaining on the internet, get off your rear ends and give the mans campaign a hand!

Anonymous said...

The only person that can clean the corruption in the New York is Tony Avella.

Anonymous said...

how many of you folks have actually bothered to do anything to make sure liu doesnt get elected?

I used two of Avella's (stiff cardboard) mailings and have them taped to the side windows on my CRV.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who reads the paper knows that lui is a criminal. I wonder though how much of his corruption though is printed in the Chinese newspapers. Not many Chinese people read English newspapers.

Anonymous said...

show your Asian neighbor property owner records of J.Liu's voting for 20.8% increase in their taxes ,when he was city councilman. $$$$ is more powerful than ethnicity.

also the "holistic" method of grading Asian pupils testing for the special high schools (Bx.Science,Stuvesant,Bklyn. Tech, etc. and 80% of them scoring higher than other minorities, should be an issue .one wonders how liu would vote before the election and then after, if he should win. remember the" nys state" legislature and Regents is the law making body for the nyc dept. ofeEducation

Anonymous said...

will Lui's donor list, copy the list of lawyers and out of state and nation donors that Kim's campaign donors did in his recent run for city council ?

99.5 % of kim's donors were from out of district.

Anonymous said...

Whats funny is you all act like they dont know that all of this is accessible to the public.

What are you all alluding too? At least his payments are all done IN PUBLIC.

Nothing on the WFP/DeBlasio shenanigans? Didn't mind his big face sent to your doors?

Anonymous said...

"I used two of Avella's (stiff cardboard) mailings and have them taped to the side windows on my CRV."

Wow, that's an effective GOTV tool...eyes rolling

Anonymous said...

Liu, Apelian, Little Adam, Lex Luther Vallone, Schreiber...anyone else seeing a pattern here?

Anonymous said...

"Liu, Apelian, Little Adam, Lex Luther Vallone, Schreiber...anyone else seeing a pattern here?"

Doubtful. I don't think anyone else here is that stupid.

Anonymous said...

Should have posted this Crappy:

gag gag gag

Shows yet again how these people are not only self indulgent but out of touch.

Anonymous said...

"Liu, Apelian, Little Adam, Lex Luther Vallone, Schreiber...anyone else seeing a pattern here?"

"Doubtful. I don't think anyone else here is that stupid."

Oh, I think pretty much everyone in Queens is stupid, just look at the majority of our elected officials

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Liu will win but if he does the citizens will deserve what they get.

If voters actually cast their vote for this son-of-a-convicted-bank-thief who had two aides convicted of campaign crimes and sentenced to jail then they are either traitors, crooks , morons or most likely all three.

Gary the Agnostic said...

If you're wearing a gas mask.

Anonymous said...

liu needs to go back to his day job: a part time professoratBaruch... At least ther, he will get some respect.

Anonymous said...

Anon no. 29:

Apparently not as a grammar instructor, based on your post.

Anonymous said...

Chuck doesn't have to score printing contracts in exchange for approving variances. Press tone can print money. Ain't that easier?

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