Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stop work order at Flushing Commons

From the Daily News:

Work has been halted at a major Flushing development site since Friday, when a baseball-sized boulder flew across 39th Avenue, shattering the window of a bank and injuring a security guard.

Construction workers were chopping rocks at the Flushing Commons site on Aug. 8, as part of excavation for the $1 billion mega-development, when the dislodged stone flew over the 8-foot wall and soared like a well-struck chip shot across the crowded downtown street.

A security guard from the Woori America Bank was hospitalized from the shattered glass with serious but non-life threatening injuries, an FDNY spokesman said.

Developers said they held a safety meeting on Tuesday and were working with the city Department of Buildings to rectify the situation.


Anonymous said...

Do we know if the construction workers are union members, or even legal residents?

Anonymous said...

Anon #1, what does it matter if they're union? It's a private development.

Queens Crapper said...

It matters because the company promised union jobs in order to win approval. This went through ULURP.

Anonymous said...

Another lawsuit for nyc....what else is new?

Anonymous said...

By now, I would have expected to see some grainy security camera footage of the whole incident.

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when you continue to stuff people and buildings into a small area. This is just the beginning.

Eventually Flushing will just break off and sink.

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