Monday, August 18, 2014

City Council may actually do something useful next month

From the NY Post:

A City Council public hearing on a measure that would make it easier for the city to seize the eyesores and fine the operators is scheduled for Sept. 8.

Used-clothing collection bins are banned on city property, including public sidewalks and roads. Bins placed in parking lots and on private property with the permission of the property owner are legal.

The illegal bins are installed in the dead of night, officials say. And even when sanitation inspectors quickly tag them, the bins’ owners take advantage of regulations giving them 30 days to haul them away.

They remove them on the 29th day and usually set them up around the corner.

City Council members want to stop the clothing-bin carousel, with a bill that would allow the Sanitation Department to remove illegal boxes immediately.

The measure would also create a registry of legal bins and require bin operators to quantify their collections by weight. The bin owners could be fined if they fail to comply with the new rules.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like a step in the right direction, but I don't understand the 30 day rule. Once a bin has been tagged as "illegal", the clock shouldn't start over just because the bin owner moves it to another illegal location. It's illegal, so tag it and take it away!

Joe Moretti said...

This has been going on for how long and they are just getting around to this. Yeah, something useful, but why the long response to an ongoing problem that everyone was aware of.

Anonymous said...

This will do the trick

Anonymous said...

The laws concerning clothing bins have been on the city's books for decades. DSNY refuses to enforce them. Much like the illegal immigration disaster..laws unenforced.

Anonymous said...

Joe Moretti said...
This has been going on for how long and they are just getting around to this. Yeah, something useful, but why the long response to an ongoing problem that everyone was aware of.


That is the nature of government

Anonymous said...

The bins will not be reliable Democrat voters in perpetuity.

That's your answer.

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