Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Queensboro Hill monstrosity getting a twin

Hey Crappy,

It looks like the huge eyesore that is causing all the controversy on 56 Ave in Queensboro Hill is getting a twin just a few doors down.
I passed today and noticed foundation poured in the front of the house and signs with illustrations showing the huge monstrosity set to be built.
These pictures were taken on the weekend, and the whole right side of the work area was exposed as seen in the pictures. I would think there should be boarding surrounding the entire work site.
The ironic part is I know the people who used to live in this house -- and the huge eyesore down the block was a prime reason they moved. And, I know for a fact they were told by the new owners that no expansion would be made to the original house. Lies Lies Lies.

As someone who grew up on Queensboro Hill, watching a once well maintained working class neighborhood turn into the mess it is today is truly sad. It's too late for Queensboro Hill -- Peter Koo is absolutely useless -- but hopefully other neighborhood can take action to prevent what is happening here.

Thanks for your great website!

- flushingstreetsafety@gmail.com


Anonymous said...

The asians are at it again! Destroying nice one family homes to move 4 families in and the government keeps allowing this to go on!

Anonymous said...

The sign probably says "screw all americans"

Anonymous said...

I grew up a few blocks from there. All of QBH is being gutted and Queens crap being put up in it's place. Check out 58th Avenue by St Annes Church (146th Street), beautiful old Tudors torn down and Fedders specials put up in their place by Asians.

Mike Francesa said...

At least they had the good sense to remind people of no smoking.

Anonymous said...

Is it on 56th Ave or 56th Road?

Anonymous said...

It is 56th Road right down the block from 56th Avenue.

The audacity of these Asians. Nothing will be done to stop any of this. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

More asian shitshow boxes.

And the sellers believed the asian buyers??? hahahaha

Me said...

I see the construction company responsible for building this piece of shit is located in Elmhurst. Nothing like bringing in a little bit of Elmhurst ghetto to Queensboro Hill!

Anonymous said...

Yay more Asians crappifying Queens! What else is new. Can we start some type of marketing to get any one else into Queens. It is just ridiculous. They have no style, no taste, no respect and think everyone and the neighborhood they move into has to cater to the. Wow now the Elmhurst bozzo third world Asians are getting into development and designing in other areas. Great job they did in Elmhurst!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #8: What would a study do? By the time the study is over, the homes would be gone, no?

Anonymous said...

In 10 or 20 years, the whole neighborhood will be those over-sized houses.

Every time at 50 year+ house turns over in Queens, it's going to be a knockdown to cover the lot.

Anonymous said...

Koo is just going through the motions to placate all the noise. He has turned a blind eye to all the overdevelopment and you never see him speak out or get actively involved. I've dealt with his office -- smoke and mirrors.

At least Liu and Meng, who I am no big fan of, grew up in the neighborhood and worked on some of the downzoning years ago. Too bad it wasn't enough.

Those attached houses are R4 zoning because, allegedly, the hospital up the block wanted it in case they wanted to expand. The hoapital manipulated the whole process.

RIP Queensboro Hill. It is now a shanty town.

Anonymous said...

There is board all the way around now, blocking my access to my driveway. Its downright disgraceful what is being allowed to go on here, despite the outcry from the neighborhood. Its atrocious that the beautiful Tudors on 146th street are being allowed to get torn down, only to be replaced by these hideous monstrosities, and in most cases with paved over front yards. This is on top of the fact that although the zoning may allow a 2 family structure, most of these have an illegal appartment in the basement, and often times the attic too. The old infrastructure can't handle this type of overload, and there is already NO place to park. Now to add an additional 3-4 cars with this new one? Plus they have a fire hydrant in front, so they are already less one parking space... If people want to live on top of each other in a concrete landscape, they should go to Manhattan, or go back to the overcrowded city they came from.

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