Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Promised NYCHA repairs are slow-going

From the Daily News:

Six months ago, Mayor de Blasio took office promising big changes for public housing, but that means little to Blanche Moore, who still has to deal with sickening black mold in her bathroom.

“It’s the same,” said Moore, 61, a retired home health aide, who lives in the DeWitt Clinton Houses in East Harlem. “I don’t have a problem talking to them or anything. I just can’t get anybody to come and do the work.”

Moore is one of 17 tenants who sued NYCHA in June on behalf of DeWitt Clinton’s 1,700 residents, demanding that the authority address dozens of repairs that date back years.

“We’re not going to wait,” said attorney Leah Goodridge of the Urban Justice Center’s Safety Net Project. “They can’t fix NYCHA overnight, but at the same time, the people who live in these conditions shouldn’t have to suffer.”

Before de Blasio’s arrival at City Hall, NYCHA was under fire for chronic mismanagement, including a huge backlog of repair requests. And de Blasio vowed to fire the agency’s chair, John Rhea, who resigned days before de Blasio arrived.

Since de Blasio took office, NYCHA has begun pulling down scaffolding that’s been up for years for no apparent reason. They began the year with a dramatic reduction in the repair backlog which they say continues.


Anonymous said...

Unemployment is rampant for black teens/20s.

Am I the only one to see a potential solution for all sides?

What exactly do these Americorps/cityyear employees do?

Anonymous said...

Those scaffold/shed perennials are simply a boondoggle for the private companies that erect them.

When whatever work is finished they simply don't remove them. they keep billing and the City kept paying.

Anonymous said...

How can you ask to pay less in rent than what it takes to run a building, then expect services???

Loudrich said...

Have any of these people heard of a product called Bleach?

It kills the mold. so you can at least live there for a while...

What a bunch of wussie crybabies....

Oh wait bleach is not covered by food stamps you actually have to use your EBT cash account for it.

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