Sunday, June 1, 2014

Donald got a real sweetheart deal

From the Daily News:

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg apparently wasn’t satisfied with simply handing Donald Trump control over one of the most expensive public golf courses ever built in this country – the new $236 million, 18-hole Parks Department course scheduled to open next spring at Ferry Point Park in the Bronx.

Bloomberg’s aides quietly added a slew of financial giveaways in the 2012 deal with The Donald that no other city golf course concessionaire enjoys, a Daily News review of Parks Department golf contracts has found.

Those giveaways include: no concession fees for four years; then decades of extraordinarily low revenue-sharing with the city; tens of millions of gallons of free water annually; even a five-year delay for Trump to build a $10 million clubhouse, his only major capital investment in the project.

Start with the greens fees, the basic charge for a round of golf; virtually all of the city’s existing 13 public golf courses charge $48 per person during weekend peak hours, higher for non-city residents.

But the new Trump National Golf Course at Ferry Point plans to charge nearly three times as much — $125 per person.

Trump’s split of revenues with the city, however, will be far less than all other courses.


Anonymous said...

Golfing is just too expensive. And people don't have time to play 18 holes. This is a fiscal disaster in the making.

Anonymous said...

$ 125 per person and no clubhouse!? Good luck with that.

JQ said...

Fun size mayor's final fuck you to NYC.this deal is the taxpayer plundering boondoggle hat trick which includes city time and the 911 call system.A preemptive bailout for trustfund baby Trump in case he has to pay a settlement in his bogus online university and the lack of interest and customers to this waste of space.

the only way to stop this now is another devastating hurricane the likes of sandy.If there is any good that the extreme effects of climate change can cause,it would be to deny this frankenstein with a hair weave any money or profits to be made by destroying the ground he inherited.

Donald Trump is no different than that other billionaire Donald Sterling.Both are racists(except Trump has not got set up yet)and get rewarded for their notoriety

Anonymous said...

"another devastating hurricane the likes of sandy"

Sandy was a weak cat 1 as it approached NYC, and wasn't even a hurricane when it made landfall.

The only reason Sandy caused so much difficulty was storm surge at high tide. If it had made landfall at low tide it would barely be remembered.

And before you mention it, sea level at the battery tide gauge indicates only a 2mm/year rise. Most of this is due to subsidence.

ron s said...

The amazing thing is that despite the giveaways, Trump will still lose money,as all his projects are failures.

JQ said...

last anon:Sandy was a weak cat 1 as it approached NYC, and wasn't even a hurricane when it made landfall.

thanks to the effects of climate change,a weak hurricane can turn cataclysmic and destroy everything in its path,which is the point I was making.

And since it was brought up,I don't think the areas near water have much subsidence left,check out rockaway beach.And it boggles the mind that there is so much rezoning and development going on in these areas,especially the likes of a useless golf course in the bronx.

Anonymous said...

Something similar has already happened on the other side of the Bronx.

A sweetheart deal given by Bloomberg to a developer resulting in an unnecessary and absurdly priced amenity that is surrounded by far more affordable options. Failing to meet its overly optimistic projected earnings, the developer screws the taxpayers and reneges on its end of the deal.

Prediction: Trump will NEVER build a clubhouse on this course and the city will NEVER see a dime in revenue. On the bright side, at least this particular piece of Bloomblight isn't covered with concrete and asphalt.

Anonymous said...

JQ - can you please explain the physical mechanism that "a weak hurricane can turn cataclysmic and destroy everything in its path" ?

Also, what would have happened if Sandy struck at low tide?

As to Rockaway, it has nothing to to with subsidence. Subsidence has to do with the earths crust sinking down. Rockaway is no different then many other barrier islands throughout the world which are constantly changing.

Anonymous said...

Oh brother, we took a weird left turn at tweeding and ended up at a hurricane.

JQ said...

I am not an ecologist or a meteorologist,I'm just going by what Sandy did to the areas near water,and I find it perplexing that people who went to college that get elected and run businesses think its a good idea to develop near the water.

What I do know is that climate change has made predicting the weather more difficult,and the prospect of shore front developing is perilous and irresponsible,and all to make an obscene amount of money for a few individuals and to fill the troughs of those with political ambitions

Hurricane Tweed

Anonymous said...

if the fee is too much,the public will abstain...FREE MARKET...FREE MARKET.

Queens Crapper said...

If it was "free market", Donald would be paying for the golf course himself.

Anonymous said...

And they put this golf course right on top of the Whitestone Exoressway. Heads up drivers!

Anonymous said...

under mayor ed. Koch, the taxpayers were screwed out of the use of the Wollman(now Trump) ice rink in Central Park.millions of dollars were wasted when the city council attempted to fix the rink. the skaters were deprived of use for about ten years.

Trump got it repaired in ONE MONTH.

taxpayers owe him, and should never forget that GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM.

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