Saturday, June 14, 2014

7 of Avella's bills passed by Senate

This week the State Senate passed a series of legislation, authored by Senator Avella, dedicated to expanding public safety, creating an early learning program, advocating for noise reduction, preventing fraud when paying off tax liens, and minimizing the potential for miscalculations in child support payments.

The bills which passed through the Senate include:

· S4898: Mandates the New York Transit Authority to produce annual reports concerning actions to reduce noise.
· S7089: Requires that the Metropolitan Transit Authority provide the public with a pledge to customers; this ensures that riders are provided with more information and that their interests in utilizing the public transport system are protected.
· S6903-C: Enhances public safety and directly protects animal caretakers, those interacting with wild animals, bystanders and the animals themselves by preventing direct contact between wild animals and members of the public.
· S680: Relates to method of payment on delinquent real property taxes, sewer rents, sewer surcharges, water rents, or any other charges that are made a lien; payments must be made in certified check or money order to prevent fraud
· S6961: Establishes the Early Learning Council with the purpose of securing public and private support for early learning program for children up to the age of five.
· S6784: Amends an inconsistency in existing social services law to ensure that an accurate method is used when calculating the amount of child support payments by the Supreme Family Court
· S725A: Increases the terms of office of members of the legislature to four years

Three of the bills, S4989, S7089 and S6961 have already passed the Assembly and will now be delivered to the Governor for his signature.


Mike Francesa said...

What's the alternative? Liu? Election day, where you try to choose the lesser of evils who will screw you anyway.

Anonymous said...

Lets see how many of the Queens weeklies like the Gazette, which has given such breathless coverage of Liu, even mentions this.

Anonymous said...

This student of Vallone has been around for way too long. Has he ever had a real job? Probably not, and he's just about to start collecting social security. Throw the bum out.

Anonymous said...

"S725A: Increases the terms of office of members of the legislature to four years"

Very dangerous, beware !

Anonymous said...

Why is this dangerous? The current term is 2 years which means they are constantly campaigning and not actually working. Extend it to 4. It makes sense.

Anonymous said...

> Anonymous said...
Why is this dangerous? The current term is 2 years which means they are constantly campaigning and not actually working. Extend it to 4. It makes sense.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Don't be naive. That just means they'll campaign for four years instead of two.

Anonymous said...

We need term limits, not longer term of office.

Anonymous said...

Tony gets things done. Like it our not he has always been fantastic for our communities. We better not lose him to Liu because then we would all be screwed. Tony has my vote.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Avella is far from my favorite. The College Point athletic field crap still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

However, Avella is heads and tails above the crook Liu and I like the fact the dems are trying to get rid of Avella so they can have yet another "Yes" man to lick the boots of Chairman Virginny Joe.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Tony! A politician that actually works!

Joe Moretti said...

The party system and many politicians do not like Tony Avella because he does not just do whatever they want, he stands up for what is right. He does not sell out like most.

One of the few elected leaders who actually is honest, cares about not only his community he represents, but other communities and fights for the little person. He came out to Jamaica and took a tour with me and others on the conditions, hell of a lot more than any of Jamaica's own leaders did. He then followed up on some of the conditions he encountered.

It seems the system wants to put a puppet, like Liu in place so they can dictate to him.

VOTE FOR TONY AVELLA, who would have made one hell of a Queens Borough President.

Anonymous said...

Phil Gim is nothing but a politician wannabe who want to earn money. not help the community. He has no experience in government or civic engagements. He is using his ethnicity as an appeal to voters... He has no vision...His stance on issues is basically a recycle of the Republican Agenda... Test Him when he is on the campaign trail as he is trying to only court ASIAN Votes, especially Chinese Votes, not all votes... That is the only possible way that he can win this seat....

Ron Kim, however ineffective people may say he is , is much better than previous assembly members. Although I voted for neither one of them two years ago in the General, I feel Ron Kim will be the better and lesser of the two evils and will try to support him, or else we would have a new and more ineffective Assembly Member fighting for our community in Phil Gim.

Anonymous said...

Tony is the ONLY politician in NYC that DOES AN HONEST DAY'S WORK!!!!

He often responds to constituent's concerns the same day! He is by far the best politician in all of NYC!!!!

Tony for Mayor! Then Governor!

Anonymous said...

Whaddya wanna bet Cuomo signs none of 'em. Tony pissed off the democrats by siding with republicans.
Unintended consequences are, he get's nothing done. This "Maverick" this "Honest" politician. screws over his constituency accidentally...

Anonymous said...

Cuomo made a deal with the WFP to support only the Dems they support in exchange for their line, and then a couple of days later backed off that. Cuomo will do what benefits Cuomo. Furthermore, if the governor doesn't sign them, they automatically become law. It just means he waived his right to weigh in.

Anonymous said...


Do something about the library - please!! Don't let that Gianaris hack whitewash it.

Replace the entire board!

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