Saturday, April 5, 2014

Loving those lobbyists

From the Daily News:

Special interests spent $210.5 million lobbying New York State and local governments in 2013, the state ethics commission revealed in its annual report Thursday.

Cigarette giant Altria Client Services and its affiliates spent the most on lobbying in 2013 — $3 million — to fight a tobacco display ban in New York City. The city and state teachers unions were next, spending $2.6 million and $2.2 million, respectively.

Among the firms with the biggest growth in business was Pitta Bishop Del Giorno & Giblin, which helped Melissa Mark-Viverito in her race for City Council speaker and then began lobbying her on behalf of clients.

The firm’s business jumped 30.4% in 2013 over 2012.


Anonymous said...

It's only evil, and bad for democracy when it's money to republican candidates, we have become fools and these leftists know it

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Bill's mini me Ms Pay to Play

Anonymous said...

She seems so corrupt. It might be legal but is it ethical?

Whereas MK just appears to be a not-very-bright, easily-manipulated special-interest tool, MMV seems evil and corrupt. I could see her playing an cartel head. She comes across as such a dishonest slimeball. Perhaps fun in person or as a character in a film, but not someone you want pissing away tax-payers dollars!

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