Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Irish traveler issues refund to scammed victim

"The articles in the Post and News scared him so he called her and got a messenger to bring a certified check to her house. We checked it out and it's real. He purchased the check in a TD Bank branch in Elmhurst.

It's obviously very lucrative over here for him so he doesn't want to be hassled. Capt. Manson (104th Pct) tracking him down too...

The Post did a good job, again the reporter saw it on QC... good job Crappie!" - Robert Holden

Why, thank you. :)


Anonymous said...

Did the reputable roofer tell the woman that she has multiple wires (cable, phone and what not) running in her gutters? Not a good practice.

Anonymous said...

Great job, QC!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see John Dickman in the story. He's been my trusted roofer/gutter man since I bought my house in 1999.

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