Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Feds letting criminals loose

From the NY Post:

The Obama administration in 2013 released nearly 68,000 undocumented immigrants who had criminal records – many of them in New York and New Jersey, according to a new review of immigration data.

The shocking numbers came from a report released Monday by the Center for Immigration Studies, a conservative think tank that studies immigration patterns.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement data showed that New York’s ICE office released 5,391 – about 71 percent of the 7,571 criminal undocumented immigrants it encountered, a rate second only to San Antonio, which released 79 percent.

The Newark office came in fourth, releasing 2,149 about 60 percent of 3,581, right behind third-place Washington DC, which released 64 percent.


Anonymous said...

Wtf is wrong with this government? You're illegal, you should be deported ASAP! So now what kind of criminals are back on our streets? Gang members? Child predators? Rapists? This is crap! This is unjustified!

Anonymous said...

Its OK. We need them to contribute to the vibrant diversity of Queens and the city.

Anonymous said...

When the President was sworn in, he pledged to enforce the laws of the land. So when he deliberately fails to do so, isn't this an impeachable offence?

Anonymous said...

Hope and change baby!

Marshal Earp said...

Keep your "scatter gun" handy.

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