Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Catsimatidis willing to pay to restore NYS Pavilion

From the Daily News:

Billionaire World’s Fair buff John Catsimatidis said he is willing to crack open his checkbook and help the crumbling New York State Pavilion for the right “visionary” project.

“I’ve certainly been there ready and able to write a check,” Catsimatidis, a former Republican mayoral candidate and supermarket magnate, told The News on Friday. “I can make it happen. But you need people who have dreams.”

Catsimatidis, who wore a tie featuring the iconic image of the Unisphere, made his comments at the Queens Museum after a press conference Friday to announce a line-up of activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1964 World’s Fair and 75th anniversary of the 1939 World’s Fair.


Anonymous said...

“I can make it happen. But you need people who have dreams.”

What kind of dreams? The city selling it to a developer who plops a glass tower over it and sells million dollar apartments?

Does anyone know how much it would actually cost to restore it + the towers?

Anonymous said...

Thanks John! Any way of writing checks to overhaul Queens Blvd and build the Queensway?

Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't write a check to the DOP(es) - they'll just build another unused bocce court or playground.

Anonymous said...

So, is he saying he'll pay for the whole thing?

Anonymous said...

I met him once . He's an upstanding guy with a great heart. He would have made a very good mayor instead of what we got stuck with.

Anonymous said...

Ulterior motive for profit detected.

Anonymous said...

"Ulterior motive for profit detected."

Please elaborate...

Anonymous said...

I take him at his word that he was profoundly affected by the 1964 Worlds Fair. Although he likely wants to run for public office again, and it's a way to keep his name in the news, that's OK with me as long as the check doesn't bounce.

Anonymous said...

He's quite the introverted workaholic.

Anonymous said...

He's no Trump. Rather than taking charge of the actual work as Trump does, he will just write the check to the city and either the restoration won't happen or it will be crap.

Anonymous said...

Trump is an empty dump. Last times Don's ego got him bankrupt, his dad and father rescued him. Now, they're dead, let's see. Trump is nobody, all flash, wasting his dad's fortune on his ego.

Anonymous said...

Cats has lots of experience having things renovated and improved - take a look at his daughter's before and after photos. I don't think his son-in-law has stopped smiling since...

Anonymous said...

I don't know what his motivation is but if he wishes to write a check for the best possible use to maintain the NYS Pavillion in it's original design, why not? At least it would be restored and possibly give joy to many who look to the park for recreational purposes.

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