Thursday, March 20, 2014

An end to 311 harassment?

From Metro:

A City Council bill introduced by [Councilmember Steven] Matteo last month aims to end such “neighbor-versus-neighbor” 311 disputes.

Under the measure, which has bipartisan support from five other co-sponsors, a property...would be ruled the subject of harassment upon receiving three or more baseless 311 complaints within six months. For three months after that, the 311 customer service center would only document non-emergency calls about the property without referring them to a city agency.

The law would apply to any property occupants who are the subject of repeat anonymous 311 calls — be it homeowners, renters or leasers — according to Matteo’s office. Though McGrath has struggled with buildings calls, the law would also apply to other potential 311 complaints, like noise or mold.

Matteo said other council members told him that they have had similar issues with 311, but that the reports of harassment seem to be exacerbated on places like Staten Island, with more one- and two-family residences.


Anonymous said...

So the city will ignore any complaints about me for the next 3 months if I file a few bogus ones about myself first?

Anonymous said...

Haven't read the legislation but from what's written here it sounds as though this could end up making it even harder to get bad neighbors to clean up their act.

Neighbors who leave garbage all over their lawn? Hey you, stop harassing them!

And as far as complaints being "baseless," who makes that determination?

Again, haven't read the legislation, but this really only seems as though it would protect people who have no consideration or respect for others and would end up punishing those who just want to live in a decent neighborhood by essentially taking away their ability to complain.

Anybody who has a nightmare neighbor should be able to see this.

Anonymous said...

In this case maybeee the homeowner is being harassed. But if the system was working a 2nd call wouldn’t be necessary. If our complaints were actually investigated correctly, timely and enforced this wouldn’t be an issue.

Anonymous said...

This law is going to suck for people who actualy care.

Joe Moretti said...

And what about idiot city council dealing with city agencies, like DOB, who do nothing about 311 complaints and just either ignore it or come out and state "no violations observed".

I really doubt that 311 gets a huge amount of baseless claims, they did not state any statistics, but this only applies to those who report anonymously. So the big answer to this, don't report anonymously.

Anonymous said...

If our complaints were investigated and enforced this law wouldn’t be necessary

Joe Moretti said...

Instead of the standard New York lingo, "location, location, location" it should be "enforcement, enforcement, enforcement."

We then would not have 1/2 the problems we have in the so-called "greatest city in the world."

Anonymous said...

I agree with the general drift here: if agencies actually responded this wouldn't be necessary. We do have Hatfield/McCoy interactions here on Staten Island, particularly in Matteo's district. We also have a Building Department that is frequently non-responsive - especially where North Shore properties are concerned. Often these problems occur in buildings owned, or in development by, people in Matteo's district - the people with money gpong to political campaigns. Makes you wonder, eh?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't the building dept. held aacountable for not enforcing the law and codes. This city is a mess and this will only help to continue enabling the mess. Half of these violations that homeowners have are not even enforced, they are paying people to come and drive around and say the issue has been resolved when in fact it hasn't.

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember all those inspectors that come out to a property with 5 cars in the front yard and lines tapping into the light pole out front and seven garbage cans and sees 'no problem.'

Well now you know what happens to your calls.

They will end in limbo.

Anonymous said...

"And as far as complaints being "baseless," who makes that determination?"
The proper city department makes that determination, usually without bothering to visit the location of the reported offense.

fiscus1 said...

Oh great. More excuses for the city to disregard legitimate complaints.

How about some enforcement for a change?

J said...

this has always been a b.s. service,instead of putting a limitation on complaints,why don't they just terminate 311?this is what they are basically doing anyway.

If you look at the odious trend the city is going through,(rhymes with shitpsters)this decision may have roots in pandering to people who may be the cause of these complaints with their bar-hopping night life obnoxious habits.Because the people that call don't have the money or interest to have that lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

the question I have is: was it voted on in the City Council yet?

call your City Council member to vote against it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe harassment by jealous neighbors will stop. Record holder 114-12 95 ave Queens with 2522 total registerd complaints.

Anonymous said...

So because I don't leave my name when I report neighbors blasting music all night out of fear they'll harm our property or animals here, that means I'm harassing them?

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