Saturday, February 1, 2014

We're number one in john busts

From the Times Ledger:

Police arrested 28 suspected johns in Queens during a citywide prostitution bust last weekend, the NYPD said. Authorities said Queens’ tally of arrests was the highest of all five boroughs, with 21 nabbed in the Bronx for the second-highest number, police said. Staten Island had the lowest number of arrests with six.

The arrests were part of an operation known as “Losing Proposition,” which resulted in the arrests of 93 people in total for prostitution-related charges, police said.

Police said they carried out the arrests in direct response to concerns from the community.


Anonymous said...

Why not a public list of the johns?

Anonymous said...

The Asian prosties are all over Corona. Saw a couple crossing 108 St near Ice King of Corona yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'd like to know the names of these "vibrant and diverse" people myself......10 bucks says they are foreigners who were trafficking people. You will see this all the time in flushing "spa parlors".

Anonymous said...

War on prostitution, war on drugs.... Let me know how that works out for you guys.


Anonymous said...

Legalize it and tax it.

But help the girls with free clinics, etc.

There will always be an underground trade, unfortunately. And it is the girls that suffer - they are the true victims.

Anonymous said...

Times Square had to go somewhere. Where else but Queens. Vibrant. Diverse.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

War on prostitution, war on drugs.... Let me know how that works out for you guys.


Very good point. Both should be legalized because neither are going away. They have been here since man walked upright.

John Lee Hooker said...

We're Number 1!

We're Number 1!

You've brought me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it,
I thank you all!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey "spa parlors' are no longer limited to Flushing.
These "rub joint" are now setting up above storfronts on Norther Blvd in Little Neck.
Must be at least six of them now between Marathon pkwy and Nassau road. It cost around $30 plus tip depending what you want.
The Asians have been buying up the buildings on Northern with storefronts (cash)and throwing all American tenants out. And your moneys no good if your an American looking to lease space or an apt.
It wont be long now--sad:) Queens "The New Hong Kong"

Anonymous said...

anon 2: You sure they weren't just high school girls? So hard to tell the difference.

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