Tuesday, February 18, 2014

From IBZ property to luxury condos

From Crains:

Two apartment buildings boasting amenities including a rooftop dog walk are set to rise on the gritty border of Bushwick in Brooklyn and Ridgewood in Queens, further proof of the area's transformation.

The brick-and-glass buildings, both designed by architect Ariel Aufgang, are planned for 83 Bushwick Place in Brooklyn, and 176 Woodward Ave. in Queens. Together they will have a total of 108 units.

The 88-unit Ridgewood project, on the corner of Woodward Avenue and Starr Street, is currently in a manufacturing zone, but the developer, Slate Property Group, is seeking permits from the city to recast the parcel for residential use. The four-story structure was designed to look like an assemblage of smaller properties, according to Mr. Aufgang, and may feature amenities like a rooftop dog walk, as well as a gym, a garage and ground-floor retail.

Mr. Schwartz said while the buildings will have luxury-level finishes, he sees them commanding market-rate rents and creating an option for people being priced out of units farther east.

A rooftop dog walk? I guess Skylar and Dakota from Peoria and their purebred don't want to mix with the exotic hoi polloi out with their pit bulls. See previously. I also guess that the IBZ didn't entice this owner to keep the property one for manufacturing.


Anonymous said...

So, IBZs were created to incentivize manufacturers to create jobs and blah blah. They also are supposed to give the owners of industrial properties "peace of mind" in the face of residential conversions... looks like it's actually a way to guarantee cash flow for property owners.

Anonymous said...

Dog walk on the rooftop?

No wonder why this city is so fucked up.

Why don't they make a children's playground instead or some amenity for the residents such as the elderly or handicapped?

Anonymous said...

The playground is a block away. Whats funny, is if the luxury building is ever built, every tenant would have a great view of the cemetery across the street.

Anonymous said...

Starr Playground is full of drug dealers and hookers. Better to build something on site for the kiddies.

Anonymous said...

Many of the hipsters think having a dog is sooooo cute and fun until they have to buy it food, take it to the vet and walk it on a cold night.

The roof dog walk probably will not be enclosed or heated so many hipsters will let their dogs crap and pee in specially built doggie-litter boxes.

But there is another use for the rooftop dog walk, when the hipsters get tired of their dog hobby they can take the mutt to the roof and when no one is looking give it a hearty fling.

"Officer, muttsy just ran and then jumped. If I had known she was sooooo depressed and suicidal I would have taken her to a canine psychiatrist or put her into therapy."

Anonymous said...

"...every tenant would have a great view of the cemetery across the street."

Or the tenants could watch the hookers on Starr near Woodward.

J said...

I forsee all these IBZ buildings popping up going to wind up similar to the landscapes from the Paul Newman classic "fort apache,the bronx".these buildings will be squatter palaces like the LES in the glory days of the 80's and 90s.

The funsize mayors bloomblight is already making impact.The Blaz is powerless to stop this,there will be a greater exodus that will make Sinclair's Grapes Of Wrath seem tame by comparison.

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