Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Inside the 9/11 Museum


georgetheatheist said...

Mark my words. You watch. That "Christian cross" in the exhibit is going to cause issues.

Joe Moretti said...

Is is just me or is having a 9/11 museum at this early stage morbid and a curiosity freak show. I mean I get having a memorial, but a museum, really. I just think it is in poor taste.

Joe said...

The whole thing is in bad taste.
If I was in charge i would have pulled out the old blueprints and put them 2 towers back up with some safety improvements in the core and sides as a symbol.

Today these projects are skyscrapers are made on computes for cheap slap up pre-fabricated bland ugly construction.
This new "world Trade Center" sucks also with all the geometric lines & angles, green glass, black waterfalls, morbid footprints. Its more suited for a new city like Abu Dhabi or Toranto. Certainly NOT lower Manhattan.
35 minutes ago.

Anonymous said...

Joe said...

The whole thing is in bad taste.
If I was in charge i would have pulled out the old blueprints and put them 2 towers back up with some safety improvements in the core and sides as a symbol.

Joe, I seldom agree with your views politically, but on this 100%!

Rebuild the towers. Rain hell on Afghanistan for decades and let it stand as a case-example when you harbor terrorists.

Bush blew that with Iraq.

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