Thursday, August 29, 2013

Has anyone seen this commercial?

I haven't, but I haven't watched much TV lately.

Capital New York says, The ad is running on cable channels in Queens from today until primary day, according to the campaign.


Anonymous said...

So we DO have one Peter Vallone sign in the community.

georgetheatheist said...

Where's wifey?

Anonymous said...

Where is the wife or does he now have an otherwise?

Queens Crapper said...

Why are you peeps concerned about a wife? He's been divorced for years. I didn't think that was a big deal anymore.

Anonymous said...

Why are you peeps concerned about a wife? He's been divorced for years. I didn't think that was a big deal anymore.
* * *
Look the Vallones make it an issue the way they parade their sacred 'family values' to everyone.

They we they churn it reminds me about the way the Germans make sausage.

Its just 'scut for the gut' and and don't ask for the details.

Anonymous said...


Why are there more Vallone posters in NE Queens than Astoria?

Anonymous said...

everything he said he fought against has happened water rates have increased, there are no warnings for businesses they are just summons and property taxes have increased does he really think that if he says this crap people will believe it

Dr. Herman von Kreutsch said...

Because of the "spiritual" (i.e. psychological) pain his divorce must be causing his -seen at the video outset - mother and father (a holy guy who attends mass each morning). This attendant neurosis can be transferred from the father to the son.

Catholic teachings on divorce.

The underlying psychological ramifications, in this day and age, must be examined.

It takes two to tango. said...

"Why are you peeps concerned about a wife? He's been divorced for years. I didn't think that was a big deal anymore."
Petey drags Mom and Pop into the frame, then tells us here's where he grew up and then here's where he lives now. Then he drags his 2 girls into the video imagery and then the viewer scratches his head and says someone is obviously missing.

Marshall McLuhan said...

The Medium is the Message.

(What does he do, after hours, for "kicks"?)

Queens Crapper said...

Well is he supposed to say he is divorced in his ad? That would be kind of weird.

Ozzie and Harriet, June and Ward Cleaver, Margaret and Jim Anderson said...

He doesn't have to say it, but we do. Because we are paying attention. Just like we and you are paying attention to "turkey baster Katz". ("Melinda Katz: Tough. Tested. Turkey-basted"..."I didn't think that was a big deal anymore")

Queens Crapper said...

It's only a big deal because she appears to have lied about it and is being sued over it.

Frank Perdue said...

It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken.

Anonymous said...

Take note.

Crappy is defending a Vallone.

Take note.

Anonymous said...

If NE Queens tells everyone they have strong civic groups, why are they dancing around the Vallone signs on their lawns?

What does this mean?

Did they, like Tony, cut a deal?

Queens Crapper said...

Defending a Vallone? Hardly. There are more important things to criticize in that ad than the absence of a wife. Why hasn't anyone picked up on them yet?

The Vallone signs on the lawns of northeastern Queens are reflective of the nightly lawn sign parties that his volunteers have where they place them on people's lawns uninvited (also on the exteriors of businesses). They wake up the next morning to find them there. He also has his thugs intimidating people into putting them up. These tactics will not translate well in the voter booth.

Anonymous said...

It is nice that the Vallones have great 'Family Values.'

We have little interest in the Norman Rockwell portrait of poppa and mamma sending our boy freshly scrubbed out into the mean world each day.

Its their 'Community Values' that suck. Ask them about those.

Anonymous said...

The Borough President controls 2 main things:

1) Community Boards
2) Land Use

This video fails to mention his record on both (which is God awful as is Melinda Katz's).

Queens Crapper said...


Anonymous said...

The Vallone signs on the lawns of northeastern Queens are reflective of the nightly lawn sign parties that his volunteers have where they place them on people's lawns uninvited (also on the exteriors of businesses). They wake up the next morning to find them there. He also has his thugs intimidating people into putting them up. These tactics will not translate well in the voter booth.
And the other candidates are not videotaping this? Where are they while all this happens? Asleep in bed? In the arms of Morpheus?

Queens Crapper said...

Well, let's see. The other candidates are likely in bed because they are getting up at the crack of dawn to greet commuters. They also don't have unlimited PAC money to hire people to stake out lawns overnight the way Paul Vallone does. The people who have been victimized have called neighbors as well as the other candidates to report it. Maybe a fed up voter will videotape it and release it.

Pollyanna said...

"He also has his thugs intimidating people into putting them up [the signs]."

Thugs? Intimidation?

Please elaborate. How can that be? He is the well-raised son of a guy who goes to mass everyday.

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