Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ugly arboricide

"Why is it that every time an Asian moves into the neighborhood (North Flushing) the first thing they do is KILL ALL OF THE TREES?????? Today’s unnecessary butcher job is taking place on 163rd St between 29th Ave and Bayside Lane – right across the street from Marino’s.

Why move to a once-lovely tree-lined neighborhood and DESTROY IT?????"


Flooshing Rezident

This raises an important question. Why does it seem that immigrants of all stripes move into new homes and immediately cut down all the trees? I thought that living with nature was considered ideal and admired and respected worldwide.


BadEnd said...

"why is it that 'EVERYTIME' an Asian..."

Generalizations lead to stereotypes and stereotypes lead to prejudice. Really? EVERYTIME?! So this applies to EVERY Asian? Hold that thought. I got mugged several times in school by African American student so is EVERY black person a robber? I got "wooed" by a white guy in a van when I was 14 walking home from school and recently a white guy asked if I was 16 and that I should work for him while I was on the bus home from school so can I say EVERY middle aged white man a pedofile?
REALLY? It's the word "EVERY" that gets to me. Have more sense than that.

Anonymous said...

You're right. It's not EVERY Asian, just the vast majority of them. Most of the white, black & spanish population doesn't go around cutting trees down for no reason. Asians seem to be the main culprits. So why is that?

Anonymous said...

why did Asians pack there ass into queens starting in the mid 60s to begin with? what was the draw of all places for immigrants to settle in jewish-italian-irish-german queens? I don't get it, but they have destroyed the boro and that's why I moved away a long time ago. its yours now. have fun.

Anonymous said...

Without enforcement of existing laws some people will do what they want to do.

Queens Crapper said...

Well that's the thing - there is no law against cutting a tree down on your own property. It just makes your property unsightly, increases pollution and air conditioning bills in the summertime. It's a cultural thing I don't understand, and I would like to be able to. Someone please enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

Well the Bukharians believe trees stand in the way of their ostentatious lifestyles, which consists of showing off what bad taste they have in landscaping and house building. I'm not sure why Asians do it, though.

Anonymous said...

It's called Feng Shui. Not kidding. Trees prevent good luck from entering their home/business. Any clutter must go in order to have " good quality light . Look it up.

Anonymous said...

It ain't just the Asians.

Go take a look at what's being called the
"bubble gum house" (southeast corner Bowne Park). Now there's a real tasteless ostentatious pink toned eyesore for you.

The owner happens to be Italian.
Wadda ya expect from the goombahs...class?

Anonymous said...

I think they clear their property of trees in order to build illegal structures on it.

Queens Crapper said...

Feng Shui? No, that would go into the decision to buy the house. If you believe in Feng Shui and cut down a tree, you release Sha Chi, which is a bad energy. Must be another reason.

Anonymous said...

It IS every Asian - at least the ones that have moved into area surrounding Marino's.

If it's not the Asian homeowners it's the Asian developers. Perhaps it's different in the Broadway area but that's starting to look like crap as well.

It's not a generalization if it is true; it's an observation. I am witnessing it - it has to do solely with Asians - they are the only people moving into this area - and they always cut down their trees - I know of at least 5 recent examples of this.

There's one exception - the new Caucasian residents down the road are restoring their home instead of obliterating any remaining vestiges of charming detail.

We should require permits for taking down trees like they do in parts of Europe. The aboricides I've witnessed have nothing to do with dwelling expansions - they just don't want to be bothered with leaves!!!!!! Are there no trees in China????

Roger said...

You say it is "a cultural thing" and that it isn't against the law, so why complain about it? It is just your personal preference.

Anonymous said...

This behavior is not limited to any particular neighborhood or ethnic group. You see it happening in Flushing and blame all the Asians because that's who is moving into the area these days. In Forest Hills it's the Bukharians. And it's not a 'low class third world' phenomenon either. I could show you areas on Long Island that might make you believe that all wealthy people of European heritage hate trees.

Why do people cut down healthy trees on their newly purchased property? Because they're lazy and cheap. Too lazy to rake up the leaves or pine needles themselves, and too cheap to pay someone else to do it for them. That's my best guess.

Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart and my blood boil when I see this continue to happen.

Years ago, a friend who worked in real estate in Flushing said that a lot of her Asian clients believed that if you remove all the vegetation and then line the property with fencing, it makes the house & it's property look larger and more impressive.

But then It always just looks big & fugly to me.

Anonymous said...

Asians began to flood Flushing in the late 60's after Teddy Kennedy got the immigration laws changed to add more "people of color" and greatly reduce white Europeans. Flushing was popular due to the #7 line giving easy access into Manhatten/Chinatown. Many of the original home owners (WW2 generation) at that time were retiring to FLA so houses were available. The first Asians were well educated and professionals, but later influxes of illegals began the process of destruction you see today.

Anonymous said...

If there's an immigrant group that's come to Queens since the 1960's that doesn't cut down every tree they can get their hands on, please identify them.

I think it's a global problem that people do not come from where tree-lined streets are seen as beautiful.

What is it? They have to rake leaves 5x a year and perhaps deal with the roots every 2 or 3 decades if they ever stay in one place that long.

Oh! Such an expensive burden.

Queens Crapper said...

"You say it is "a cultural thing" and that it isn't against the law, so why complain about it? It is just your personal preference."

Nope, more than just a personal preference. This shows a certain barbarism. Not what's best for the health of the community, the environment or the neighborhood aesthetic - but what's good only for one ignorant person.
When personal preference does harm to the greater good, then something needs to be done about it. And why is it, Roger, that you only turn up to comment cluelessly about issues and always in opposition to whatever is posted?

Anonymous said...

It ain't just the Asians.

Go take a look at what's being called the
"bubble gum house" (southeast corner Bowne Park). Now there's a real tasteless ostentatious pink toned eyesore for you.

The owner happens to be Italian.
Wadda ya expect from the goombahs...class?

Sorry - your intell is wrong.

According to the Department of Finance records, the Bubblegum house at 32-03 159th Street (southeast corner of 159th Street and 32nd Avenue) is owned by a Mr. Fong Giou Young. Definitely not Italian.

Anonymous said...

If you are referring to the "bubble gum house" on 32nd and 159th, it is occupied by Asians.

Anonymous said...

I'm counting down the days till I move outta this dump!! I encourage you all to do the same if you can. NYC is a cesspool, get out now!

Anonymous said...

I read this weekend that Flushing has 25,000 + immigrants over the age of 65 - the most in the boro. Rego Park and Forest Hills too were high on the list.

It is NOT our nab any more and that's the bottom line. The developers in concert with our politicians - inclusive of Czar Bloomberg - sold us out.

We were either 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th generation American - and we don't count any longer. As a baby boomer - we once had a culture - American or middle class New Yorker. Our parents were truck drivers, school teachers, butchers, postmen, etc. They fought in WWII. We went to Bayside, Bowne or Flushing High - we hung out at the Unisphere - partied in all the parks - Kissena, Cunningham were alive with rock bands then. We went to Woodstock and went to the movies in the RKO. No matter what our nationality or religion - we were ALL THE SAME.

Now the Greeks - who built a mega church in Whitestone hold a parade with lit candels through the streets. The Italian immigrants walk the body of Christ from one church to the other. We've turned into some sort of religious site - without a wailing wall though. The annual St. Lukes Bazaar held played Italian music on one night - I remember when they played Three Dog Night -

It's time for those of us who remain to go - the developers have won. I love my home - I have my memories - I'm out . . .

Anonymous said...

Wait till they realize someone who lives in there is an aspiring drummer. You can hear them practicing from outside when going to Marinos.

Anonymous said...

"Not what's best for the health of the community, the environment or the neighborhood aesthetic - but what's good only for one ignorant person."

The large single family house is certainly not best for the environment either, but in many cases (not this one) that's what we are talking about.

Anonymous said...

I know a Chinese immigrant family with a house in Whitestone who have not removed the trees existing trees in the back, and have planted small trees in the front yard.

Anonymous said...

"We've turned into some sort of religious site"

Turned into?? Perhaps you should read some history. Flushing is the home of religious freedom and tolerance. Read the Flushing Remonstrance and learn about John Bowne.

Anonymous said...

I checked out the bubble gum house on Google Earth. Disgusting, but what impressed me was all the older, beautiful houses on those streets surrounding the park. 25 years from now, they will all be gone and there will be nothing but bubble gum houses there.

Anonymous said...

I KNOW my history of Flushing so well I could TEACH it, and I respect and VALUE the Flushing Remonstrance with its TRUE meaning of tolerance and respect for differences of opinion and beliefs. We ALSO as Americans have a separation of Church and State - and the blatant display of religion fanaticism is in contradiction to the Constitution. We've always had churches - aside from religion they serve the community as a place to meet others, etc. BUT MEGA-CHURCHES? UGHHHHH!!! These serve as places to segregate one culture from the other.

I am agnostic, and I truly do not CARE if someone wants to worship a rock. I don't expect Queens to ever be as cool as Brooklyn - but, being this UNCOOL is disturbing to me as a long-time resident.

The old and crumbled RKO Theatre remains as a reminder of the rich progressive culture that once was.

Joe said...

"NYC is a cesspool, get out now"

And go where ?
New Hampshire to freeze your ass off with liberals or Carolina and points south with Mexicans ?
Drive 6+ miles to get to a supermarket and scratch your ass with boredom ?
I spent 3 days in Greenville SC and wanted to kill myself, Tulsa was even worse, I been all over this country and still kiss the ground when I get home.
Despite all the bullshit most New Yorkers cant live anyplace else. I hope Avella wins in November and fed up voters shut all these motherf*&kers out.
Weaner for Mayor (the guy looks like a good fighter) ANYBODY but that monster "Kennedy liberal" Quinn !

Anonymous said...

Weiner is a jerk and if he had any self respect would drop out of the mayoral race. Just what we all need a high tech cyber flasher running the city, a guy who had one bill with his name on it in twelve years in congress.

Weiner is a loser and those who support his candidacy are pathetically the same. .

Anonymous said...

the bucharians/russians do the exact same thing. the asians in fresh meadows are also building houses as ugly as bucharians.

Unknown said...

Large cities such as new York have there neighborhoods change every 30 years or so...most of our parents lived in the Bronx or Brooklyn and left to queens and long island when they got married. between white flight and block busting that went on in the 60s and 70s what do you expect to take up the void? the problem is with all of us leaving our neighborhoods to begin with when we started making a few bucks. the Midwest does not have this problem. there cities and towns have basically stayed the same for 150 years because they never move away.

Anonymous said...

the Midwest does not have this problem. there cities and towns have basically stayed the same for 150 years because they never move away.

except for Detroit. And Cleveland. And St. Louis. And Kansas City.

And dozens of other cities in the mid-West.

Get your head outta yer ass!

Anonymous said...

Thepink bubble gum house was originally owned by Italians I was told.

Anonymous said...

Elect more honest pols...relatively honest ones that is.
Your reps are the ones who are responsible for the shit pile that's Flushing today.

Anonymous said...

If the bubble gum house is owned by Chinese, it still looks like a Guinea whopper.

Anonymous said...

Thepink bubble gum house was originally owned by Italians I was told.

Yes. It was owned by Italians until it was sold to a Chinese family over 20 years ago...who did nothing to what was a very nice Colonial house until ten years ago, when they Bubblegummed it.

If the bubble gum house is owned by Chinese, it still looks like a Guinea whopper.

No ethnicity can corner the market on bad taste and design.

The materials and poor design could have been built by anyone, with one exception: the color of the house.

Some Asians make sure to have pink or red as the main color of their house, as it's considered good luck.

Anonymous said...

I'm counting down the days till I move outta this dump!! I encourage you all to do the same if you can. NYC is a cesspool, get out now!

That's no problem. I'm sure asians will buy your house for the cheap.. or bid up prices as they have cash from china. Without them, we have no real estate market in queens and you cannot move out. So thank them. which you aren't willing to. You lose. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Feng Shui? No, that would go into the decision to buy the house. If you believe in Feng Shui and cut down a tree, you release Sha Chi, which is a bad energy. Must be another reason.

Actually to have a house too close to the front of the house especially directly in line with the main entrance is not really a good feng shui at all (esp if the tree is dead too..and you can forget about that sha chi or si chi..most doesn't care about those)

Having it in front distort the view of the home and also abrupt the good chi from entering in the main door. I mean are you looking at the tree as the main thing or looking at the house as the main thing? If the tree is too prominent and you are looking at the tree as the main thing or even having some 'interrupting view', it already shows your view is absorbed/abrupt by the tree meaning the chi is absorbed or obstructed by the tree. This is what my wife told me.. (yes, she's asian)

Queens Crapper said...

So they cut down every tree on their property because one lines up with the front door and prevents the chi from coming in? Sorry, the explanation still makes no sense. And if neighborhoods weren't being uglified in this manner in the first place, a lot of people wouldn't feel the need to move. Desirable neighborhoods are not ones with a lot of for sale signs.

Anonymous said...

So they cut down every tree on their property because one lines up with the front door and prevents the chi from coming in? Sorry, the explanation still makes no sense

Every tree? who said is every tree. It is usually the tree that's directly in line (+ or - a certain footage) with the main entrance.. pluss if the tree can be bring down easily too. If it's too huge they probably will not buy the property...especially if during a huge hurricane or tornado rips it up and lands right into the house.

I don't think you want that too happen too no? (you can't fight mother nature and therefore it's better safe to cut it down than risk it to mother nature).. which now actually brings up a possible reason now why some people (not just asian) cuts down EVERY tree (if that is your argument about every tree. My argument is the front main tree which most people usually see gets cut down and thus it seems like 'EVERYTIME' an Asian..) Why risk it with mother nature.

Sorry, but if it doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't mean it's wrong..(especially if you are not a feng shui expert..and neither am I) there is still a reason for it. It's like why does Americans drive on the 'wrong' side of the rode? It doesn't make sense to the Europeans, but does it say that we are wrong and therefore we have to adapt to the Europeans' 'side' of driving? No, there must be a reason why we drive on the 'wrong' side.

Queens Crapper said...

Several incidents of wholesale tree cutting have been documented on this blog. The Asian church using the Ginsberg Fitzgerald mansion as their latest tax shelter ripped down 7 trees when they moved in back in 2007 and cut another down on 4th of July this year. They poisoned trees in Maspeth before that.

Cutting down healthy trees and harming the environment because you're backward and superstitious is wrong.

Anonymous said...

That's no problem. I'm sure asians will buy your house for the cheap.. or bid up prices as they have cash from china. Without them, we have no real estate market in queens and you cannot move out. So thank them. which you aren't willing to. You lose. LOL.

This is not true, Bayside has longed survived just fine WITHOUT ASIANS!! They buy up properties THROUGH their churches so they will NOT have to pay taxes on them!! I know that EVERY religion does this, but its time that America TAXES these churches for extra properties that they own. They should pay taxes on all their schools, houses and businesses!! I mean st. johns charges 30000/year for tuition and they dont pay taxes!! How do you justify that??
As far as the asians cutting down the trees, no I dont see that going on here on my side of Bayside, but I do think they are bringing even more racoons into the area by planting these gardens out in their backyards!! The racoons in my area are getting really bad and these asians don't seem to care or realize that those racoons are going to go after the vegetables that they are trying to grow!!

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