Monday, June 3, 2013

Most of Paul Graziano's campaign contributions come from within district

Paul Graziano

Total from January 12 to May 11 $19,493 as of 5/11/13

Contribution Category                               #               Amount

Total Contributions                                   146           $19,493.33
Total Contributors                                    137

Family/Close Associates                               9             $1,575

Civic Leaders/Officers                                44             $6,730

42.6% of contributions come from these 2 categories   $8,305
38.7% of individuals come from these 4 categories              53

Other important info:

130 of 137 contributors, or 95.6%, gave donations of $175 or less.
96 of 137 contributors, or 69.3%, are from the 19th Council District.
$10,850, or 55.7%, is from the 19th Council District.

There are no political names that I recognized, except former Assemblyman Vincent Nicolosi, who donated $600 to Graziano's campaign.

I noticed that Graziano had a few larger donations, but most of them came from civic leaders.

By the way, last week Graziano was endorsed by the last 19th District Council Member to not be indicted on federal charges:

This rounds out the Democratic candidates in that race. Next up, the Republicans (short list).


Jerry Rotondi said...

A vote for Paul Graziano is a wise investment in the stability of your neighborhood.

The other Paul--Vallone--would shake your hand while smiling in your face, but sell you out in a New York minute!

He's a developers' lobbyist and recipient of their campaign contributions.

Voters beware.
That "friendly" Vallone smile is a cold one.

Anonymous said...

Graziano is by far the best candidate, a vote for anyone else is foolish. Please voters, this time vote FOR the neighborhood, vote Graziano!

Anonymous said...


Graziano for City Council!!! The only way to go

Shafran - who the hell are you any way?
Voskerichian - nice lady but has no chance
Duane - are you kidding me? Why are you wasting your time??
Vallone - just GO AWAY. Everyone is so SICK of you!!!

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