Monday, June 3, 2013

Jamaica BBQ is pretty nasty

A good ole Jamaica ghetto cook-out."A good ole Jamaica ghetto cook-out."

Now this photo does not get anymore Jamaica Ghetto, than having a cook-out right next to garbage cans, trash on the ground and one shitty run down third world apartment building (love the screens on the stoop roof that have been there for about 3 years). All that is missing is a bunch of chickens running around...oh wait, they are now inside the grill.

Never mind the legality aspect of this (FDNY states that if you use a charcoal grill in a residential place it must be 10 feet away from a building or anything combustible (like garbage) and a hose connected to running water or a fire extinguisher must be present), this is just plain disgusting. What is next for these folks, dessert while sitting on the toilet taking a shit!

MAJOR GHETTO. And you wonder where stereotypes come from.

FYI, owner of the building at 89-15 170th St  is………drum roll please…………………Baldev Singh. No big surprise there again.

Tell me again, what country do we live in?

Joe Moretti


Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,
I was just making comments about people barbecuing in front of their house/in their driveway these past few days. Seeing the way so many people are living in and around NYC makes me want to move away.... like to a nice town along the Hudson.

Anonymous said...

And what's with all the crap being stored on those fire escapes? Another fire code violation.
Uncovered garbage pails too....

Anonymous said...

Joe, you must be a glutton for punishment or a hero.

Why do you still live in Jamaica...or do you live in Jamaica Estates, far away from this crap?

We admire your tenacity to improve conditions. Most would have high tailed it and moved away.

The old adage, "You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear" seems to apply to the disgusting conditions.

Unless the ghetto crowd is extricated, things will only get worse.

Politicians have written off everything Jamaican except "The Estates".

Good luck. You deserve the Congressional Medal of Honor for your fight.

Anonymous said...

I've seen this exact scene in ghetto Corona on Junction B'lvd. south of Roosevelt Ave.

Ghetto is ghetto...different tribes there.

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk..."politically incorrect" but very truthful!
Jamaica...spelled, g-h-e-t-t-o...a festering shit hole!

Anonymous said...

Forgive them Joe, for they know not what they do.

Anonymous said...

It not the country we live in - its the political system we are under: perpetual one party rule.

The roots of the Democratic Machine are watered by immigrants, gays, and people of color.

These are democratic voters, or people that need services that the give the Democratic pols nice photo ops (to say nothing of showing they 'care' for people) or best, chase out people like Joe that lives in the real world.

Next question.

Jimmy said...

Sorry - I have to disagree. What I see is some people barbecuing in the only space they have for barbecuing. Live and let live.

Anonymous said...

The poor will always be with us, and there will always be places like Jamaica. The trick is to realize this and not throw millions into "uplift" programs that uplift nothing other than the purses of the political hacks in these areas.

Queens Crapper said...

"What I see is some people barbecuing in the only space they have for barbecuing." I call B.S. on that one. We have space set aside in parks to BBQ. Furthermore, as Joe pointed out, it's illegal to BBQ so close to a building. So "live and let live" doesn't apply here.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - I have to disagree. What I see is some people barbecuing in the only space they have for barbecuing. Live and let live.
We are going to see a lot more of this attitude if Vallone gets in office.

The community blogs in Vallonia do not permit discussion of these things and when it sometimes strays into this topic, the posters will tell the complainant that they should move.

Anonymous said...

"Live and let live"? No. It's not the illegal BBQ, EVERYONE does that, even in nice nabes. They just do it right, and keep it clean.

Anonymous said...

Get the f_ _ k outta there. Place is one of the ugliest and most depressing on earth. Culturally bankrupt people combined with a city leadership that is centered on Manhattan creates neighborhoods like is one.

Joe Moretti said...

"Sorry - I have to disagree. What I see is some people barbecuing in the only space they have for barbecuing. Live and let live."
As I said in my comment and as Queens Crapper stated, this is a fire code violation, where you are putting everyone in that building at risk.

Second, most apartment buildings, including many in Jamaica, have signs in the front of the building that state, "no loitering, no ball playing, etc, no music playing" and they enforce it since that behavior interferes with the "quiet enjoyment of tenants" which is standard for all apartment buildings.

The photo is not some kind of block party, this is one family which is disturbing all the other tenants (this went on to around 11pm, midnight) with noise,loud music, not to mention the smoke from the grill going into the other windows and the entrance, blocking the entrance of the building.

But when a city does not enforce laws against slumlords like Baldev Singh and allow them to do whatever they want, then there is a major breakdown in civility in a community. Major problem since this is also a rent-controlled building, which there are guidelines for owners to follow.

Anonymous said...

Face it.

Queens is squalid.

Anonymous said...

What a mess. They think they can bring back Jamaica?

Anonymous said...

The same "ghetto" thing happens at an apartment building on 107 Street in Richmond Hill. Every summer holiday they set up the bbq and tables right next to their garbage cans.

Anonymous said...

BBQ stands for "Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens"

Anonymous said...

One can only imagine a humid 90 degree night and the power going out.
More then BBQs will burn.

georgetheatheist said...

Joe. Balloons. Fill'em with water. Open your window wide. And heave 'em ho, me hearty! Bombs awaaaaay! Watch the vermin scatter. Extra points if you hit the grill while the meat is almost done. See if you can short out the boom-box.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, atheist. These "vermin" will return with weapons if you don't mind your business. Better to be safe.

Anonymous said...

Loving the garbage and litter NEXT to the cans...

Sandy Hamilton said...

I googled this address and find the apartment building opposite this disaster looks rather nice. How can those people walk out the front door and look at this mess? Or perhaps that building is a mess inside?

Anonymous said...

This looks like the stage set for Alfred Hitchcock's movie, Rear Window.

Anonymous said...

All that is missing is a line of hipster foodies, their bike racks bolted to the sidewalk for controlling the traffic, and a line out on the sidewalk waiting for one of the tables at the beer garden.

Vibrant! Diverse! = Squalid Slum.

Operation Douse 'em said...

They're sitting ducks. Water baloon after water baloon, but do it from the roof so they can't see who it is.

Joe Moretti said...

Believe me, I would rather take the hipster foodies and the line on the sidewalk waiting for a table at a beer garden than this shit!

Anonymous said...

I've seen cleaner cages at the zoo

Anonymous said...

Those new buildings going up in western Queens will start to look like this in a few decades.

Bathe them in Newtown Creek toxins and East River sewage a few times and you be hard pressed to get anyone besides this crowd to live in them.

Anonymous said...

hey this is what a vibrant multiculturalism society looks like.

like crap.
love the line-
"they have to be outside cos they don't have ac." bs. they are outside to work the drug trade.

they can't walk to the Park because they have overdeveloped sense of entitlements. the back yard is their 40 acres and a mule.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in NYC my entire life and have never ever made a cook out in my yard or front yard. why bother? what is the point? it's a stinky mess. I have a stove for cooking.

then again I don't sit outside on my ass on the stoop or sidewalk. I don't stand on the corner and I don't hang out my window all day long.

thought charcoal grilling on the street was illegal.

Anonymous said...

The garden apartments in Springfield Gardens they BBQ on the front lawn in front of the ground floor neighbors unit. They use rugs where the grass use to be & erected a tent of sorts. Right on the Avenue where the 85 bus runs. The community complains but they don't care. they visit their relatives and prepare food and cook& drink loud talking & play music and hangout, entertain daily/nightly The ground floor resident can't use their own yard and have bars at windows & door. Mom & daughters. No manager/super to correct problem.

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