Saturday, June 22, 2013

Idling trucks in College Point

From NY1:

At 4 a.m., the blaring beeping of backing up trucks is a rude awakening to residents living near the intersection of 14th Avenue and 130th Street in College Point, Queens.

"The kids are waking up and they say, 'Daddy we cannot sleep.' And I close the windows. It still doesn't help," says resident Turan Ates.

And it's not just the early rumblings of the trucks coming and going from TNP Trucking Company that have residents up in arms.

"The trucks are revving up all hours of the day and night and you just cannot sleep. It's as noisy as listening to this truck that just passed by," says resident Faneeza Alie.

Those living next to the trucking company claim the trucks idle for 30 minutes at a time creating a ton of noise and pollution. Residents says they've made countless complaint to the city, to no avail.

"The DEP, we calling them and they say they coming here, they can't find anything. I mean I can give you proof every time that they are idling," says Ates.

When NY1 called DEP, a spokesman told the station since 2011 there have been 86 complaints about the location. Seventy inspections were conducted there but no violations were issued since, according to the spokesman, no trucks were documented idling more than three minutes.

Still, neighbors say they have the time stamped video to prove the trucks are idling. NY1 called TNP Trucking Company but they had no comment. In the meantime, residents are pleading for the city to assist them with this serious quality of life issue.


Anonymous said...

Hey - you want some really nice truck action - check out 163rd Street between Bayside Lane and 29th Ave. All day, every day - all sized trucks are delivering to Marino's - including semi's.

What's the deal - it's not a big store - why do they have so many suppliers?

Aside from the Italian stuff it's all white bread and orange soda. Can't they get their industrial, garbage food from a single supplier?

Who does one complain to other than the bottomless pit of 311?

Anonymous said...

1. why doesn't your elected seem concerned?

2. why doesn't your community board seemed concerned?

3. why doesn't your weeklies cover this?

Face it - to anyone that matters you are invisible. And you thank them by sending them back to office again and again.

Anonymous said...

Wait till Vallone becomes beep. Unless you are one of his goomba buddies whose kids need $2 million soccer fields the received wisdom in his community is "if you don't like it - move!"

georgetheatheist said...

Don't call 311.

Email 311. There's a written record that you've got.

I complained about nightclub noise and a voice on my answering machine told me (albeit 1 week later) they were from the Department of Environmental Protection. They left a phone number to call (6-10PM) if the noise continues. I also phoned 311 at that time of the incident and got the usual "police came and nothing was there" response.

Anonymous said...

Aside from the Italian stuff it's all white bread and orange soda.

Sounds like you don't go inside.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the family living in that house.
Who would want to live in such a polluted area.?
Unless they have no choice...

Anonymous said...

Call Bloomberg. He cares. No, really.

Anonymous said...

The time to move has long past about 30 years ago.

College Point has become the bung hole of Queens.

Anonymous said...

1. why doesn't your elected seem concerned?

2. why doesn't your community board seemed concerned?

3. why doesn't your weeklies cover this?

Face it - to anyone that matters you are invisible. And you thank them by sending them back to office again and again.


You have to tell them first. Did anyone do that? Or is someone here singing his usual song?

Anonymous said...

I should have added it's generally a pretty good song to sing.

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