Thursday, June 6, 2013

Avella's brownfield bill passed by Senate

From Bayside Patch:

The state Senate has passed a bill proposed by Sen. Tony Avella, D-Bayside, that would require the city’s Department of Environmental Conservation to notify any community board of new brownfield site cleanups.

Current DEC regulations require a period of public comment for a brownfield cleanup request. Adjacent property owners, nearby schools and local newspapers must also be notified.

But Avella said community boards should also be notified because they are often instrumental in soliciting public comment from the neighborhoods they represent.

Avella said he was inspired to introduce the bill by the Waterpointe-Whitestone brownfield site. Community Board 7 had been holding committee meetings regarding the site, but were never informed of the initial plan for a cleanup at the site.


Anonymous said...

Notifying the community boards about brown fields?

Hell...they're brown fields themselves...judging from all the shit that goes on there!

Abolish CBs and those CAU patronage jobs that go with them!

Anonymous said...

Compare Avella's work with Vallone whose latest antic is to show respect to Queens by allegedly shopping for a caterer to take over the Steinway Mansion.

Real leadership there.

Anonymous said...

DEC is the STATE; DEP is the City...

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