Saturday, May 4, 2013

Unfair ticketing in Woodhaven

From The Forum:

Owners have faced forking over as much as $350 per ticket – once fines have accrued while an individual fights the ticket in court – for garbage problems that are not their fault, but rather stem from people who dump everything from mattresses to pieces of paper on others’ property, according to Woodhaven Residents’ Block Association President Ed Wendell and Woodhaven Business Improvement District Executive Director Maria Thomson. The two civic leaders said individuals – many of whom are likely living in illegally converted apartments where the landlords will not allow them to properly discard garbage in an effort to not draw attention to the sites – will often dump late at night or in the day’s earliest hours. Not long after people have shed their garbage, Wendell and Thomson said the city will ticket owners for such violations as improperly disposed garbage or not recycling – and then remove the garbage before the owners know any of this has transpired.


Anonymous said...

Two words: video surveillance.

Anonymous said...

Wheee are the DSNY inspectors?
Always we them driving around but never stopping to survey Any particular section of a neighborhood.
Once saw one drive right by a business that had trash all over their sidewalk and curb . It was so obvious but he never stopped to look!

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