Friday, March 1, 2013

Presto, chango! Garago to crappo!

"When in Astoria, be sure to pass by 31-84 30th Street and witness this amazing conversion of a 3-car garage into a 4-story apartment building and all within a 30' by 20' lot. The architect of record is CB1’s Zoning Chair John Carusone." - Anonymous

Here are the plans...

Carusone's office just so happens to be across the street...


Anonymous said...

How cheap and crappy looking.

Anonymous said...

This is absolutely horrible looking architecture! They must be kidding . They should have kept the dilapidated garage.

Anonymous said...

This is what is in store for Queens when the Vallones get in office and make all your community boards like CB1, the Community Board from hell.

Anonymous said...

They should have kept the dilapidated garage
Naw, the far better choice is to bring back the Lower East Side of our great grandparents time with barracks of people shoehorned with out adequate light and air or infrastructure.

Now THAT'S progress!

Anonymous said...

Just wait - they will turn the alley there into a 'street', and the rest of the garages will be converted.

You have to see the actual built building to believe that someone would be stupid enough to design such a craptastic pile of fake bricks and put their name on it.

Anonymous said...

Naw, the far better choice is to bring back the Lower East Side of our great grandparents time with barracks of people shoehorned with out adequate light and air or infrastructure.

Now THAT'S progress!
Have you seen some of these new shoddily built structures in Astoria lately? It would seem that the powers that be are quite eager to grant you your Lower East Side wish.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe any of the pictures depict what's truly been built.

Anonymous said...

You have to admit, the creativity on getting this through was quite an accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

One would wonder, with CB1 allowing the elimination of parking spaces, would they be more adept now on allowing bicycle corals?

Anonymous said...

If his building is an example of his work then he may have to rethink his career choice.

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