Friday, January 11, 2013

Asbestos in Grand Avenue dumpsters


Anonymous said...

Far worse...
Tommy Huang once had his (illegal?) Latino day workers (wearing inadequate protection) dispose of some chunks of asbestos, from the Flushing Keith's theater, into public waste baskets.

At least here it's bagged.

Throw a few of these damn SOB violators in jail and you'll see more respect for the law.

You do the do the time.

Anonymous said...

charge the building owner i am sure once he gets fined he will fess up as to which of his tenants did it

Anonymous said...

Between 1920 and 1980, plaste rof paris was one third asbestos to bind it. Before that they used horse hair or straw. After, they used plastic.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 2: why would any of the tenants dump a load of asbestos in the garbage ?

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