Monday, September 10, 2012

Which tweeder will win the support of the Machine?

From the Queens Tribune:

One Democratic insider said Katz is one of the top contenders for next year’s race, though Comrie is more likely to get the backing of the Queens Democratic Party. If Grodenchik, the current deputy borough president, is not backed by the Democratic Party, he will not run, according to the insider.

When Marshall triumphed in 2001, the Democratic Party backed her in a competitive primary against former Board of Education President Carol Gresser and former Councilman Sheldon Leffler. Vallone, said the insider, would be least likely to be endorsed because he has supported candidates who have run against the Queens Democrats’ picks. The conservative Democrat and son of former City Council Speaker Peter Vallone Sr. could also seek the GOP line next year.


Anonymous said...

Whoever wins....Queens loses!

Close the doors of boro hall for goo
and save us taxpayers a fortune.

Beeps are there only to serve developers!

Anonymous said...

They are a waste of tax dollars and they do absolutely NOTHING!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Abolish the office!

I can't think of anything good that the Shul-Manes administration had done for Queens' constituents--
for example.

Anonymous said...

They held a fire sale for their developer friends' benefit and gave away land like it was candy!

Anonymous said...

Not Grodenchik Dear G-d not Grodenchik!

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella for borough president!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Meng for BP--He can bring in the $$!

Anonymous said...

And Jimmy can run the office from his jail cell..
thereby eliminating the need for borough hall.

Tear it down and put in a park!

Anonymous said...

Grodenchik's going nowhere, except perhaps to depositions. As the Parkside lobbyist assigned to Claire Shulman's LDC, and a long-time associate of Shulman, Grodenchik must explain his role in the illegal lobbying scheme that was carried out by Shulman's LDC, for the benefit of developer firms that are members and financiers of Shulman's LDC. Someone instructed Shulman on what to do, what to file and not file, what amounts to declare as lobbying expenses, and which boxes to check and not check. Grodenchik must fully explain his role in this scandal.

Anonymous said...

What a louse.

Anonymous said...

mediocrity and mendacity blended into a blob!

What a zslubb!

If you want to believe that a self serving Jewish lawyer didn't know that his boss Shulman wasn't breaking the law we've got a bridge to sell you!


He should be disbarred and his cow queen should be jailed!

Anonymous said...

At least Perry Vallone is not running. Has anyone ever talked to him? Its like talking to a stuttering socially awkward 5th grader.. Uhhh Uhhh Uhhh, What a joke, he would even consider a run

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